Q; Is rent on physical space (storage, warehousing, operations, office) an eligible expense for grant funds?
A. Yes, rent on physical space is an eligible expense.
Application questions
Q: Is there an obligation to proceed to the main application if invited after the pre-application?A: No, you are not required to submit a main application if you are invited.
Q: Will a scoring rubric be provided so we know what is most important in the application?A: Yes, our scoring criteria will be available on our website and linked within the application on the WebGrants platform.
Q: Can organizations submit more than one grant application?
A: An organization can submit more than one grant application for different projects. The applications must be for distinct projects and cannot be combined.
Q: Can two entities partner on a project and submit an application together?
A: Yes. One entity should complete an application as the main applicant and may list the partner entity as a subcontractor. Funds will only be disbursed to the main applicant.
Q: It is stated that first-time applicants will receive extra points. How are first time applicants defined? When will the extra points be awarded?
A: A first-time applicant is an independent entity that has not applied for a Materials Management grant during a previous grant cycle. For example: a particular department (Department A) within a government agency is applying for a Materials Management grant for the first time. A different department (Department B) within that same government agency applied for a Materials Management grant in 2017. Department A would be considered a first-time applicant, even if Department B applied in 2017. If you are unsure whether or not you are a first-time applicant, ask us and we will let you know.
Q: Can you describe the difference between the pre-application and main applications?
A: The prep-application has a few narrative questions that will ask the applicant to address information about their organization, their project and how it related to the waste prevention funding area, and the community their project serves. The main application will ask more detailed questions about your project goals, outcomes, budget, and timelines.
Q: Are letters of support required?
A: Three letters of support are required with the main application. At least one letter of support must come from someone who will directly benefit from the proposed project such as residents, neighbors, local environmental justice groups, or others.
Letters may also come from:
- Former or current grantors
- Former or current partner organizations
- Local governments or jurisdiction representatives
- Subject matter experts
Funding questions
Q: Are submissions with matching funds more competitive in this process?A: Matching funds are not required and are not a criterion for scoring.
Q: Is there an option to have this grant renewed and the project sustained past the two-year grant period? A: No. Grant funds for each grant cycle are only available during the 24-month grant term and cannot be renewed. The Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine grant program will have annual funding opportunities with a new funding area each year.
Q: When will funds be dispersed?
A: Grant agreements will be generated starting in January. Funds will be dispersed after the agreement is final.
Q: Can you provide more detail on the 3-installment timeframe?
A: Installment timeframes will differ based on the schedule of each grant recipient. The first 50% of funds are disbursed at the execution of the grant agreement. Installment 2 (40% of grant) will be disbursed after the grant recipient has spent the first installment and provided DEQ with all receipts and a report documenting how the grant funds were spent. Installment 3 (10% of grant) will be disbursed after the grant recipient has spent the second installment and provided DEQ with all receipts and a report documenting how the grant funds were spent.
Q: Is there a certain amount of funds allocated for each region?
A: No. The total funding amount is available across the entire state.
Q: Does the amount of funding an organization can apply for different based on the entity apply?
A: No. The funding range is the same for all entities.
Q: Do you have an estimate of how many awards you might make?
A: No. We will award the full amount of funding that is available so long as we receive project proposals that fit within our program's annual funding area and goals. We do not know the number of projects that will be awarded.
Q: How is the Reduce, Reuse, Reimage Grants program funded?
A: The program is funded through statewide fees on landfill tipping.
Q: If a grant recipient is requesting funds to pay a salary, is it critical that the organization demonstrate they can continue to pay the salary after the 2-year grant project?
A: The budget tables on the main application only request you to show the funding you are requesting during the grant term. It is not required that an applicant demonstrates how they will continue to the project after the granting term.
Q: What is average amount grant award?
A: The average grant amount varies. Grant evaluation and scoring is not based on the dollar amount requested.
Q: For administrative costs, what indirect rate is allowed?
A: The maximum indirect cost rate is 15% unless your organization has a negotiated indirect rate with the federal government. The indirect rate that is charged to DEQ cannot be higher than what is charged against any other provider of funding.