Similar to the Oregon Department of Transportation's "Adopt-A-Highway" program, an "adopt" program provides a structure to conduct cleanup of an illegal dump, a river or stream, neighborhood or street. Adopt groups can be organized by individuals, interest groups such as neighborhood associations or watershed councils, or local government entities such as public works or road departments.
Adopt programs can be more successful in generating a larger base of community participation. Primary functions of an organizing body or coordinator are to: (1) recruit and train volunteers; (2) arrange a mechanism for disposing of the trash (a drop box located at the site and bags for trash); (3) publicize the cleanup activity (post a sign at a dump site or along a neighborhood road).
Cleanups can be conducted as often as is necessary, or on a more set schedule such as twice a year or even quarterly.
You may also contact your local county or city road department, or your local chamber of commerce for ideas on establishing an "Adopt-A-Dump, River, Neighborhood or Street" program.