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Oregon Third Party Verification Program

For permitted stationary sources, liquid fuel suppliers, natural gas suppliers and natural gas systems subject to verification of their Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program reports, and for all Clean Fuels Program entities subject to verification, the regulatory deadline for submission of verification statements is August 31. Because this date falls on a weekend this year, these verification statements will be due by EOD on Monday, September 1. Verification statements for electricity suppliers subject to verification of their Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program reports are still due on September 30 this year.

Division 272 of the Oregon Administrative Rules was adopted in May 2020 to establish third party verification requirements for verification of data submitted to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Clean Fuels Programs. Independent third-party verification improves data reliability and provides the necessary assurances that people doing business in Oregon are accurately calculating emissions and correctly meeting DEQ reporting requirements. The data collected by these programs is considerable and will continue to grow in breadth, depth, and importance.

Who is required to obtain verification services?

A “responsible entity" is a business that is subject to, or voluntarily agrees to be subject to, the Third Party Verification requirements under Division 272 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. Businesses that are subject to verification must:

  • Engage the services of a DEQ-approved verifier
  • Ensure that all requirements in 340-272 are met
  • Ensure that a verification statement is received by DEQ from a verification body by the required deadline

Oregon third party verification requirements apply to 2021 calendar year data submitted beginning in the spring of 2022.


For more information on this program, call 971-263-1726 or email