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Solid Waste Letter Authorization Permit Applications


Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-93-0050(5) authorizes the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to issue a short term Solid Waste Letter of Authorization, if DEQ determines that a proposed or existing disposal site is not likely to create a public nuisance, health hazard, air or water pollution or other environmental problem. The SWLA may be issued for a period not to exceed six months. If circumstances prevent the holder of the SWLA from completing the action allowed, he or she may request a one-time six month renewal from the Department.  The SWLA application fee will apply for the second six month period. A regular solid waste disposal permit is required for any disposal actions requiring longer than one year to complete. 

Application process

The following documentation must be submitted in writing to DEQ as part of the application in order for DEQ to evaluate the proposal.  A complete application should include the following items:

Narrative discussion of the following:
Note: you must provide sufficient detail for the Department to find that the project is not likely to cause a public nuisance, safety or health hazard, air or water pollution, or other environmental problem.

  • The quantity, types and nature of material to be disposed.
  • The location and size of the proposed disposal area.
  • Project schedule, starting and ending dates.
  • The need and justification for the proposed project.
  • The proposed methods of disposal to be used that will insure safe and proper disposal.  Provide specific information that describes the proposed disposal project and how it will be conducted.  Include an operations plan to describe activities during the duration of the project.

Attachments of the following:
  • Map or drawing showing location and configuration of the property, disposal area, protections constructed to prevent water and other types of pollution
  • For contaminated soil, analytical data indicating the soil is not a hazardous waste and the nature and level of contamination
  • Statement of approval from the property owner or person with long-term control of the property, if other than the applicant
  • Land Use Compatibility Statement
  • Recommendation from the local solid waste planning authority indicating the proposal is compatible with the local solid waste management plan
  • Completed Application For a New Solid Waste Disposal Site Permit form
  • Application processing fee - $500

Typical permit requirements

A permittee's responsibilities under a Letter Authorization Permit will be delineated within the permit. Typical requirement may include:
  • Measures to prevent the waste from contaminating the air or water,
  • Monitoring, and
  • Reporting to DEQ

Average processing time

45 days


This permit is issued under the authority of OAR 340-093-0060.


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the regional solid waste permit coordinator in your area.

Disclaimer: These instructions are provided so potential permittees can more easily understand DEQ’s requirements for composting facilities in Oregon. For complete rule language and definitions, refer to Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, Divisions 93, 96, and 97.