Proposed, new conversion technology facilities may be subject to four fees:
Permit application fee
Operations plan review and approval fee
Engineering review fee
Annual compliance fee
Information on all fees can be found in OAR 340-097-0120. New applicants must pay the permit application fee and the first year’s annual compliance fee. Permit application fees and annual compliance fees are based on annual tonnage of feedstocks received. Permit application fees range from $1,500 to $2,000. Annual compliance fees are currently at $0.58 per ton of received feedstock. Applicants should contact the DEQ Regional Solid Waste Permit Coordinator for your county, for assistance determining the amount of fees to submit with the application.
Conversion technology facilities that are required to submit an operations plan for DEQ review and approval will be subject to an Operations Plan Review and Approval Fee, which also is based on annual tonnage of feedstocks received; fees range from $1,000 to $5,000. DEQ will contact the applicant regarding additional requirements and fees, after it completes the risk screening.
A Facility Engineering Review Fee of $500 will apply if DEQ requires review of engineering plans and specifications for engineered facilities for water protection, including but not limited to: storage ponds, impervious surfaces, buildings, roads and or water drainage or storage structures. DEQ will contact the applicant about additional requirements and fees, after it completes risk screening.