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Instructions: Permit Application for Conversion Technology Facilities

Application process

​The owner or operator of a proposed conversion technology facility (that is not exempt from the permitting requirements) collects information and submits a completed application to DEQ. Below are links to the necessary items for a complete application. Please note the application form requests additional information, such as fees and plans.

Application: (submit information identified on application form; contact DEQ with questions)
Land Use Compatibility Review: Land Use Compatibility Statement page

​After the applicant submits the forms to the appropriate DEQ office, DEQ staff reviews it for completeness. (This includes information identified on the application form and/or by DEQ staff to applicant; the level of detail provided in the application must be adequate for DEQ to be able to process the application). DEQ permit writers will work with applicants to ensure applications are complete. The application must include the applicable permit fee, which depends on the amount of material (feedstock) received each year.

​The DEQ permit writer conducts an environmental risk screening, in order to make a risk determination, based on screening criteria outlined in OAR 340-0160(7). After making a risk determination, the DEQ permit writer will contact the applicant to inform them of the determination and will send a risk evaluation letter. If the site is determined to pose a risk, an Individual permit and Site Operations Plan are required, in accordance with OAR 340-096-0170 and -0180. If DEQ staff determines the site poses a low risk, based on screening criteria outlined in OAR 340-0160(7), a registration permit, in accordance with AR 340-096-0190, will be drafted.

​The DEQ permit writer drafts the conversion technology facility permit, the permit evaluation report, a public notice document and cover letter, and sends the draft permit documents out for public notice and public comment period.

For Registration conversion technology facility permit – 30-day comment period


For Individual conversion technology facility permit – 35-day comment period

​The DEQ permit writer responds to comments, alters the permit as necessary and issues the permit, barring complications. Note: An Individual conversion technology facility permit may require a public hearing if at least 10 people or someone representing 10 people request one. A public hearing usually prolongs the permit issuance timeframe.

​Once DEQ receives a complete application (all required application materials and necessary level of detailed information) it takes approximately four to eight months to issue a conversion technology facility permit. Complex permits may take longer to issue.

The following documentation must be submitted in writing for DEQ to conduct a risk screening and for the permit application to be complete. 

​​Proposed, new conversion technology facilities may be subject to four fees: 

  1. Permit application fee

  2. Operations plan review and approval fee

  3. ​Engineering review fee

  4. Annual compliance fee

Information on all fees can be found in OAR 340-097-0120. New applicants must pay the permit application fee and the first year’s annual compliance fee. Permit application fees and annual compliance fees are based on annual tonnage of feedstocks received. Permit application fees range from $1,500 to $2,000. Annual compliance fees are currently at $0.58 per ton of received feedstock. Applicants should contact the DEQ Regional Solid Waste Permit Coordinator for your county, for assistance determining the amount of fees to submit with the application.

Conversion technology facilities that are required to submit an operations plan for DEQ review and approval will be subject to an Operations Plan Review and Approval Fee, which also is based on annual tonnage of feedstocks received; fees range from $1,000 to $5,000. DEQ will contact the applicant regarding additional requirements and fees, after it  completes the risk screening.

A Facility Engineering Review Fee of $500 will apply if DEQ requires review of engineering plans and specifications for engineered facilities for water protection, including but not limited to: storage ponds, impervious surfaces, buildings, roads and or water drainage or storage structures. DEQ will contact the applicant about additional requirements and fees, after it completes risk screening. 

Risk screening information

The following facility operational and physical information is necessary for DEQ to conduct a risk screening. At minimum, the information should address how the proposed conversion technology facility will comply with all performance standards in OAR 340-096-0170. If you have any questions, please contact your local DEQ Regional Solid Waste Permit Coordinator to discuss.

  • A description of the conversion technology facility operation including feedstock types, volumes and sources, feedstock receiving and storage practices, methods of feedstock screening and preparation to eliminate incompatible contamination materials, staff training, facility processing methods, uses of finished products and disposition of waste materials

  • A description of all existing or planned structures and features for managing leachate and stormwater, including but not limited to information about any detention or infiltration basins, and any infiltration structures such as filter strips and bioswales

  • A description of odor control measures, if necessary, including site design features and operational practices

  • A description of the methods the facility will use to achieve vector control

  • Any seasonal variations in the facility’s operation

  • Contact information including the facility operator, facility owner and property owner

  • Operational and compliance history of the facility, if any​

  • Location and site schematic, including areas for management of leachate and stormwater, of the existing or proposed facility by latitude and longitude, identified on a map

  • Location of the facility on a tax lot map

  • Location of and distance to surface water in the drainage area of the facility, and all drainage channels, ditches and any other water conveyances leading from the facility to surface water, identified on a map

  • Locations of all commercial and residential structures within a one-mile radius of the composting facility, identified on a map or photograph (aerial photograph)

  • A description of any leachate and stormwater produced at the facility, including information about the chemical composition of leachate

  • Facility plans identifying biogas/syngas collection and storage facilities

Note: The following information is necessary only if soil will be used to infiltrate water from the facility. DEQ will collect the following information if you have difficulty obtaining it.

  • Distance to the uppermost groundwater aquifer and other known aquifers at the location of the composting facility and in any areas proposed for infiltration of leachate or stormwater from the facility

  • Soil type or types, and permeability if known or available, at the location of the facility and in any areas proposed for infiltration of leachate or stormwater

  • Location and well logs of all wells on the property where the facility is located; location and well logs of any wells within ¼ mile of the facility; and, if known, location of any proposed wells within ¼ mile of the facility​

What to expect

DEQ will notify applicants of risk screening results. Conversion technology facilities that DEQ determines present a low risk will be issued a Registration Permit; an expanded Site Operations Plan may be required. Facilities that present a potential risk to the environment or public health will be required to submit a Site Operations Plan (with fees) for DEQ approval and will receive an Individual Conversion Technology Facility Permit once the operations plan is approved. 


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the regional solid waste permit coordinator in your area.

Disclaimer: These instructions are provided so potential permittees can more easily understand DEQ’s requirements for composting facilities in Oregon. For complete rule language and definitions, refer to Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Divisions 93, 96 and 97.