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Permit Application for Material Recovery Facilities and Transfer Stations


Oregon Revised Statutes 459 requires that material recovery facilities and transfer stations apply to DEQ for a Solid Waste Disposal Permit prior to starting operation.

Application process

The following documentation must be submitted in writing to DEQ in order for the permit application to be complete. There has to be a clear demonstrated need for the proposed new, modified or expanded disposal site or for the proposed change in the method or type of disposal. A complete application should include the following items:

Items 1 through 6 on the permit application 

As a reminder, these items are listed below.
  • Completed and signed Land Use Compatibility Statement.
  • Written recommendation from the local solid waste planning authority.
  • A Certificate of Business Registry.
  • Identifications of any other known or anticipated permits.
  • Application fee and compliance fee (if required).
  • Any other information DEQ deems necessary.

Detailed plans and specifications

Details to be included in the plans and specifications are described on the following page. The types of plans used to describe the site specific facility information are as follows:

  • Design and Construction Plans are used to show how the facility will be designed and constructed. The details to include in the plan are described on the following pages.
  • Operational Plans are used to show how the facility will be operated. The details to be included in the operational plan are described on the following pages.

Detailed plans and specifications


  • The purpose of the required plans and specifications is to describe in detail:   
  • What you are proposing to have permitted
  • What wastes the facility will receive
  • How wastes will be screened to avoid acceptance of hazardous wastes
  • Where waste, if any remaining, will be shipped (or sent) for final disposal
  • How you propose to operate the site without polluting the waters of the state
  • What will be the facility layout
  • What will need to be built to operate the site in an environmentally safe manner
  • What equipment (and backup, if required) will be used or installed
  • Any other details unique to your proposal
Once approved, these plans become an enforceable part of your permit.

What to include in the plans and specifications

Plans and specifications for a fixed or permanent transfer station or material recovery facility must include a Design and Construction Plan and an Operational Plan. These plans are used to describe the location and physical features of the facility as well as address specific details about the facility. These details can be illustrated with a map and in writing. Additional details to be contained in each plan are described below.

​These types of plans are used to describe in detail what you intend to construct at your facility.

Construction cannot begin until the Department has approved the plans.
Once approved, the Department must approve of any modifications.

In most cases, plans must be prepared and stamped by an engineer registered in the State of Oregon.

The design and construction plan must meet the following requirements:
  • Waste Water Discharge - There must be no discharge of wastewater to public waters except in accordance with permits from the Department, issued under ORS 468B.050.
  • Access Roads - All weather roads must be provided from the public highways or roads, to and within the disposal site and must be designed and maintained to prevent traffic congestion, traffic hazards and dust and noise pollution.
  • Drainage - The site must be designed such that surface drainage will be diverted around or away from the operational area of the site.
  • Fire Protection - Fire protection must be provided in accordance with plans approved in writing by the Department and in compliance with pertinent state and local fire regulations.
  • Fences - Access to the site must be controlled by means of a complete perimeter fence and gates which may be locked.
  • Solid Waste Disposal - Sanitary waste disposal must be accomplished in a manner approved by the Department or state or local health agency having jurisdiction.
  • Truck Washing Facilities - Truck washing areas, if provided, must be hard surfaced and all wash waters must be conveyed to a catch basin, drainage and disposal system approved by the Department or state or local health agency having jurisdiction.

This type of plan is used to describe how you intend to operate your facility in compliance with the applicable regulations. In addition to describing normal facility operations (such as hours, staffing and daily operations) the facility must comply with the following operational requirements:
  • Storage - All solid waste deposited at the site must be confined to the designated dumping area. Accumulation of solid wastes must be kept to minimum practical quantities.
  • Salvage - A permittee may conduct or allow the recovery of materials such as metal, paper and glass from the disposal site only when such recovery is conducted in a planned and controlled manner approved by the Department in the facility's operations plan.
    Salvaging must be controlled so as to not create unsightly conditions or vector harborage.
    All salvaged material must be stored in a building or enclosure until it is removed from the disposal site in accordance with a recycling program authorized in the operations plan.
  • Nuisance Conditions - Blowing debris must be controlled such that the entire disposal site is maintained free of litter. Dust, malodors and noise must be controlled to prevent air pollution or excessive noise as defined by ORS Chapters 467 and 468 and rules and regulations.
  • Health Hazards - Rodent and insect control measures must be provided sufficient to prevent vector production and sustenance. Any other conditions that may result in transmission of disease to man and animals must be controlled.
  • Records - The Department may require such records and reports as it considers are reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with conditions of a permit or OAR 340, Divisions 93-97. If ownership of the permitted facility changes, the new permittee is responsible for ensuring that the records are transferred from the previous permittee and maintained for the number of years required by the Department.


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the regional solid waste permit coordinator in your area.

View Solid Waste Permit Coordinators

Disclaimer: These instructions are provided so potential permittees can more easily understand DEQ’s requirements for material recovery facilities and transfer stations in Oregon. For complete rule language and definitions, refer to Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Divisions 93, 96, and 97.