Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Gain relevant work experience and life skills. Explore career-identifying opportunities. Find financial aid resources for continued learning.

There are many pathways to a successful and satisfying career. There is not a required one-size-fits-all education solution. The future of learning is flexible and can meet you where you are at. However, the skills required by business in the future economy do require continuing your education.

The Workforce Talent Development Board (WTDB) helps both younger and older students connect to data, information, resources, services and employers to help them along their journey as they make important decisions about their education, training, jobs and/or careers. The following are some helpful resources the board helps to shape:

Career Connected Learning

Learn more about the broad array of career connected learning opportunities in Oregon that span from pre-K to adulthood including Career Awareness and Career Exploration (learning about work), Career Preparation (learning through work), and Career Training (learning for work). Use Career Journeys videos to learn about real-world experiences finding pathways to careers.

Learn more about Career Connected Learning


Career Research and Planning

Gain employable skills, discover a new career path, explore high wage and high demand careers, and create an education plan to help you meet your goals.

Research skills that match the opportunities in your community

Visit your local WorkSource Oregon Center to access training and skills development resources to gain essential employability skills, discover a new career path, gain money management skills, and find tutoring, mentoring, and counseling services.

Explore high wage & high demand careers

Access information on high wage - high demand jobs, education and skills requirements, and the nature of the work. The Career Explorer tool can help find the right fit for you and your future.

Create an accurate career and education plan

Use the Oregon CIS system containing reports about 600+ occupation tiles to research current employment rates, wages, outlook, hiring practices, preparation, and licensing, in addition to the skills, abilities, and knowledge required.

Labor Market Information

Research and learn facts about Oregon's labor market and understand which wage hours and laws may apply to you.

Learn facts and statistics about Oregon's labor market

Learn about careers, wages, economic and workforce trends, training and education programs and much more at, WorkSource Oregon's labor market and career information website.

Understand wage and hours laws for youth

You can gain work experience even though you are under 18. Understand the opportunities that may be available to you working with your school's career and counseling staff.

Work-Based Learning

Work-based Learning is a key component of career connected learning but not the only component. There are many additional strategies including workplace tours, business guest speakers, career fairs, visiting adults at work, informational interviews, job shadows, service learning, and others. These can be in-person or, in some case virtual.

Oregon Youth Employment

Gain meaningful work experience and workforce training such as summer jobs, internships, pre-apprenticeships, and job shadows. This program is open for those ages 14-26.

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Oregon Youth Transition

Get prepared, as student with disabilities, for employment or career-related postsecondary education or training through pre-employment transition activities and supports.

Learn more about OYT

Oregon Youth Corp

Participate in an experience where you can be part of a crew, learn valuable skills, obtain credit, and work outside while earning a wage. This program is open for those ages 14-26.

Find a local Youth Corp

Oregon Conservation Corp

Partner with the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Community Foundation to reduce wildfires risk posed to communities and critical infrastructure, help create fire-adapted communities, and engage in relevant workforce training. This program is open for those ages 14-26.

Request more information  

DHS TANF Youth Employment Program

Participate in employment and self-sufficiency services, receive ongoing screening, assessment and case management, while participating in activities such as life skills, basic education, job readiness or work experience that address barriers to self-sufficiency. This program is open for teen parents ages 16-24.

Learn more about TANF

Adult Education Assistance

Adult basic education can help if you want to improve skills in reading, math, and writing, or to prepare for the State GED Examination. Help is available for non-native speakers to improve their language skills.

Learn about adult education

Runaway Homeless Youth

Find shelter and resources in your area.

Foster Youth

Find resources to navigate life outside of the foster care system.

Food Benefits

Programs and resources that meet your food needs.

Oregon Youth Authority

Find resources to successfully transition from incarceration.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

There are many pathways to a successful and satisfying career. There is not a required one-size-fits-all education solution. The future of learning is flexible and can meet you where you are at. However, the skills required by business in the future economy do require continuing your education.

Connect with opportunities that allow you to earn while you learn. An Apprenticeship is a unique opportunity where you work in high wage, in-demand jobs while learning and earn more as your skills increase.

View apprenticeship opportunities

Pre-Apprenticeship Opportunities

Access programs that will help you understand more and provide you with resources to be Registered Apprenticeship Ready.

Learn about Pre-Apprenticeships

Credentials for Careers

Credentials include certificates awarded by an educational institution and tied to a program of study, industry certifications awarded by a certification body and tied to the demonstration of knowledge, skills, and abilities, licenses that allow a holder to practice in a specified field, and apprenticeships. Credentials are typically not referring to degrees (e.g. Bachelor's Degree).

Funded Training Opportunities

If you are enrolled or might enroll in Eligible Training Provider List programs and services, you may be eligible to access training for in-demand occupations that can be partially paid for by your local workforce development board.

Contact your Local Workforce Development Board

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Acquire the technical skills, professional practices, and academic knowledge critical for career success in high-wage, in-demand areas.

Learn more about CTE

Research Career Pathway Roadmaps

More than 450 online career pathway roadmaps are available and can be best accessed by searching "career pathway" on a community college website. These describe the pathway to employment, labor market information, high school and pre-college "entry points", stackable certificate options, university and continuing education "exit points"

View Community Colleges

College Credit and Prior Learning

Learn how to earn college credit while in high school or for completing Prior Learning and understand financial aid opportunities available by applying for Federal student aid.

Earn College Credit while in High School

You can earn college credit while in high school. These dual credit or accelerated learning programs are widely available in Oregon. Your best resources for finding accelerated learning opportunities is your career and counseling staff or teachers connected to an area of interest.

Learn more about college credit

Earn College Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

There are a growing number of opportunities to earn college credit for prior learning particularly for skills and training acquired while serving in the military. Explore these opportunities by searching "credit for prior learning" at each community college website.

Learn more about CPL

Explore Oregon Colleges, Universities, & Career Schools

Oregon has hundreds of opportunities if you want to earn a postsecondary education degree or credential. Whether you are seeking to improve career training, earn a certificate at a community college, complete a bachelor’s degree at a university, or pursue graduate and professional study, a wide variety of programs and campus environments awaits you.

Find your future college or school 

Plan and Pay for College

Understand Financial Aid in Oregon

Go to Oregon Student Aid site  at  to learn about financial aid, important deadlines, and apply for public and private student aid.

More Planning Resources

Find more student resources to plan and pay for college and map your career journey on Higher Education Coordinating Commission's Plan and Pay for College page.

Job Searches

Browse for available jobs in Oregon or get one-on-one assistance with your job search.

Get assistance with job searches

Take advantage of programs and services from WorkSource Oregon that assist you in your search for jobs. Meet one-on-one to complete a Welcome Conversation to create an individual employment plan to help you identify your career goals and successfully search for jobs.

Start your job search

Browse available jobs in Oregon

Search job openings posted with the Oregon Employment Department (OED) by keyword and location, filter by occupation, wage, full/part time work, duration, and more. Many jobs listings even allow you to contact the employer directly to apply for the position.

Browse jobs