Resources for Workers

Resources for Workers

Get matched with open jobs. Update your work history. Explore career-boosting opportunities.

The Workforce Talent Development Board (WTDB) helps guide, influence and drive strategies and investments in many types of education and training for Oregon’s workers. The board helps to connect job seeker to programs, services and financial resources that help support workers and job seekers as they develop the knowledge, skills and proficiencies they need to get a job, develop in their career, or to get a better job. The following are some helpful resources the board helps to shape:

Job Search Assistance and Workforce Research

Search for open jobs or work with the trained staff of WorkSource Oregon to gather your skills and job preferences, create a Job Seeker Profile, find jobs that match your skillset, and request to be contacted directly by employers.

Get assistance with job searches

WorkSource Oregon programs and services assist you in your search for jobs. You can meet one-on-one to complete a Welcome Conversation to create an individual employment plan to help you identify your career goals and successfully search for jobs.

Start your job search

Browse available jobs

Search job openings posted with the Oregon Employment Department (OED) by keyword and location, filter by occupation, wage, full/part time work, duration, and more. Many jobs listings even allow you to contact the employer directly to apply for the position.

Browse available jobs 

Learn facts and trends of Oregon's labor market

Learn about careers, wages, economic and workforce trends, training and education programs and much more at, WorkSource Oregon's labor market and career information website.

Develop skills that match the opportunities in your community

Visit your local WorkSource Oregon Center to access training and skills development resources to gain essential employability skills, discover a new career path, gain money management skills, and find tutoring, mentoring, and counseling services.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

Learn about the great opportunities that come with the Registered Apprenticeship model, find apprenticeship opportunities, prepare for the application process, and find helpful resources available such as childcare cost coverage.

Learn what an apprenticeship is

Learn about Registered Apprenticeships in Oregon, including the great opportunities that come with the Registered Apprenticeship model. Find answers to frequently asked questions and speak with representatives who can guide you toward a fitting opportunity.

Learn about apprenticeships 

Find apprenticeship opportunities

Get connected to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries! Take a deeper dive into the details around Registered Apprenticeships in Oregon!

Visit BOLI apprenticeships 

Understand the application process

Get prepared for applying for an apprenticeship by downloading a checklist that covers how to find an apprenticeship, filling out required documents, determining its necessary experience and qualifications, how to submit an application, and helpful tips about what an interview might be like.

Prepare for a strong application

Discover your aptitudes, interests, & abilities

Oregon Career Information System (CIS) staff can assist you in discovering your aptitudes, interests, and abilities using their career guidance expertise. Contact CIS to arrange a conversation.

Contact the CIS staff 

Childcare resources for apprentices

Receive childcare cost coverage while registered in your state-certified pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship.

For Pre-Apprentices For Apprentices 


A license is a valuable credential leading to rewarding careers and family-supporting wages. Successful completion of some apprenticeships requires a license and labor unions are another good resource for licensing information.  There are a variety of agencies and organizations that contribute to licensing for workers.

Oregon License Search ( All Licenses) Oregon Construction Contractors Board Building Trades - Individual LicensesDepartment of Consumer and Business Services - Building Codes Division

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Older workers may be faced with unique employment challenges. Get assistance with resume writing, interviewing, training, and coaching. You can also access individualized support in your job search to help you be successful.

Learn more about SCSEP
Interview with Ricque Smith from Oregon Employment Department  

"We have a variety of benefits and services we can provide. We [have] case managers there to help each participant with the process so that they don't have to go through this alone."

- Ricque Smith, OED

Assistance Programs, Insurance, & Benefits

Assistance programs seek to provide adversely affected workers, veterans, and with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs.

Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs

Trade Act programs help workers who have become unemployed due to increased imports from, or shifts in production to, foreign countries.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program seeks to provide adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs.

Learn more about these programs

Health Insurance

Find and apply for health insurance coverage in Oregon.

Rental Assistance

Resources and programs to get assistance  paying rent.

Food Benefits

Programs and resources that meet your food needs.

Employment Related Daycare

Programs and resources for child care assistance while working.

Veteran Assistance

If you served in the U.S. military or are a spouse of a veteran, you can qualify for Priority of Service. This includes priority referrals to jobs and other employment and training services over non-veteran applicants with the same qualifications.

Services include: job search assistance, workshops, resume assistance, labor market information, career counseling, and referrals among other resources.

WorkSource Oregon staff are all Veterans representatives and will assist with determining identifying opportunities. The Oregon Employment Department has additional expertise regarding specialized veteran programs.

Check your eligibility

Adult Education Assistance

Adult basic education can help if you want to improve skills in reading, math, and writing, or to prepare for the State GED Examination. Help is available for non-native speakers to improve their language and workplace skills including critical thinking, digital literacy, locating and using information, and interpersonal workplace skills.

Learn about Adult Education

Vocational Rehabilitation

Assist individuals with disabilities to get and keep a job that matches their skills, interests and abilities. Connect with state and local resources and employers that provide individualized services that help each eligible person receive relevant, quality services that are essential to their employment success.

Connect with resources

Worker Rights

All workers in Oregon have rights. Oregon Bureau Labor & Industries protects employment rights, advances employment opportunities, and ensures access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination.

Understand workers rights

Labor Unions

Access union staff and support resources.

Contact AFL-CIO

Dislocated Worker Resources & Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment benefits are money to partly replace your lost earnings. They help you pay expenses while looking for new work. Four out of five people in the U.S. will need unemployment benefits at some point in their working lives. These benefits come from taxes that employers pay. They are not a type of public assistance. They are not based on financial need.


Unemployment Claims

File or check the status of a claim using the online claim system.

File or check status of a claim 

Dislocated Worker Benefits

Resources are available if you have been laid off, such as: unemployment insurance, assistance with re-employment, and other supportive services. Contact your local WorkSource Oregon Center for more details to determine eligibility or learn more about Dislocated Worker benefits.

Contact WorkSource Oregon 

Dislocated Worker Programs

Find out about adult and dislocated worker programs in your area that can connect you to education and training options and opportunities.

Get the skills you need to be successful!