Local Workforce Development Boards

Local Workforce Development Boards

Oregon is part of the workforce development system that is funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) which authorizes more than 550 local business-led workforce development boards that serve all fifty states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories to oversee workforce development services through a network of approximately 3,000 American Job Centers (also called One-Stop Career Centers).

Through WIOA, local civic, business, and workforce development leaders develop strategies that leverage funding and resources within their local communities to prepare and match the skills of workers with the workforce demands of businesses.

Oregon has nine Local Workforce Areas to support locally-driven decisions and programs. Oregon has an integrated one-stop service delivery built on a standardized model to provide a flexible, unified workforce education and training system that consistently exceeds customer expectations. Both state and local workforce boards are committed to keeping Oregon business and industry competitive in the global economy.

Select a county to visit its Local Area Board