Resources for Employers

Resources for Employers

Post your job openings. Identify qualified candidates. Plan for the future of your employees./p>

The majority of the Workforce Talent Development Board (WTDB) is made up of Oregon business leaders. These leaders are from Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing, Information Technology, Energy, Sports and Apparel, Forest Products, Food and Beverage, and other sectors. The WTDB provides multiple tables, convenings and events for these leaders, and their public sector partners, to develop and drive strategy, policy and value for Oregon's workforce system while meeting the talent needs of employers. The following are some helpful resources the board helps to shape:

Fill open positions and grow employee skillsets

Post your open positions, run candidate queries, get assistance with posting or candidate matching, learn how to recruit, and how to maintain and grow your workforce.

Post open jobs

Use the iMatchSkills online system to post open positions, set criteria for candidate selection, designate the number of candidates who can apply, and how to apply for the position.

These postings will then be seen by job seekers, and account representatives and partners of the WorkSource Oregon program can screen candidates based on your criteria, matching qualified job seekers to help fill your open positions.

Post an open job

Search for candidates

The iMatchSkills online system is also a great tool to find job seekers who qualify for your open positions. Run candidate queries self-service or partner with WorkSource Oregon staff to get assistance with candidate matching.

Run a candidate query Contact WorkSource Oregon

Broaden recruitment strategies

Learn how to customize your recruitment strategies, such as holding job fairs and hiring events. Get help with crafting job descriptions, publicizing your job openings, handling applicant contact, screening applicants, conducting initial interviews, so that you are only referred the top candidates who meet your criteria.

Learn about recruitment

Train to retain employees

Training can be one of the most expensive personnel costs. WorkSource can help you grow a skilled workforce--and increase the skills of your current workforce--with apprenticeships, internships, and training options.

Learn about training

Understand hiring incentives

Maximize your workforce investment returns through publicly funded Tax Credits, Free Bonding and other incentive programs.

Learn about incentives

Attend workshops and seminars

Access select workshops and seminars that are of interest to Oregon Businesses. Learn how your company can leverage resources to grow, recruit veterans, utilize Incentive Programs, and much, much, more.

Training room with people in chairs  

"We hire one to three people a week. [WorkSource Oregon sends] me potential candidates. They care about the people they are working with. They want to find the right job."

- Lacey W., Oregon Employer

Research Oregon's job market

Learn about careers, wages, economic and workforce trends, training and education programs and much more at, WorkSource Oregon's labor market and career information website.


Create an Apprenticeship Program

Learn how the Apprenticeship Program model can improve the future workforce, understand standards and training regulations, and learn how to start a program at your business to increase the quality and skillset of your employees.

Learn what an apprenticeship is

Learn about Registered Apprenticeships in Oregon, including the great opportunities that come with the Registered Apprenticeship model. Find answers to frequently asked questions and speak with representatives who can guide you toward a fitting opportunity.

Learn about apprenticeships 

Understand standards and process

Take a deeper dive into the details around Registered Apprenticeships in Oregon including information regarding process, standards, training, and more regulated by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI).

 Request a meeting with BOLI 

Start an apprenticeship program

Learn how to start a proven "earn while you learn" model in your company. What does the state of Oregon require and how will it increase the quality and skillset of your employees?

Start an apprenticeship program 

Download helpful resources

Download guides, toolkits, and answers to frequently asked questions to aid you in planning, organizing, applying for, maintaining and growing your apprenticeship program in Oregon.

Search the resources library 


A license is a demonstration of knowledge, skills, and abilities and is required of some occupations in Oregon. Learn about the licensing requirements for these occupations. Some apprenticeships require a license and labor unions are another good licensing resource.  There are a variety of agencies and organizations that contribute to licensing for occupations.

State License Requirements (SOS) Oregon License Search ( All Licenses) Building Trades - Individual Licenses Building Trades - Contractor Licenses

Recruit and hire Veterans

The Oregon Employment Department's Local Veterans' Employer Representatives (LVERs) are dedicated staff to assist businesses fill their workforce needs with job-seeking veterans. They translate military experiences, connect companies with value added incentives and other special veterans, programs, arrange on-site visits to learn about your business needs, and provide many more services related to veteran recruitment and retention.

Priority of Service

Those who served in the U.S. military or are a spouse of a veteran can qualify for Priority of Service. This includes priority referrals to jobs and other employment and training services over non-veteran applicants with the same qualifications.

Learn which eligible programs apply to Priority of Service and how you can support those who have served.

Learn about Priority of Service 

HIRE Vet Medallion

Employers who meet criteria established in the HIRE Vets Act  can receive a HIRE Vets Medallion Award.

Award recipients will have the opportunity to utilize the medallion in the marketing of their firm as a veteran friendly business when hiring, and in efforts to attract additional business.

Learn how to apply 

Layoff guidance and dislocation resources

Understand the benefits available to employees such as Unemployment Insurance and learn what resources are available in the case of a layoff, as well as aversion and other strategies to guide you in the case of layoffs.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment benefits are money to partly replace employees' lost earnings. They help them pay expenses while looking for new work. Four out of five people in the U.S. will need unemployment benefits at some point in their working lives. These benefits come from taxes that you, as the employer, pay.

Learn about unemployment insurance 

Layoffs and Dislocated Workers

Resources are available if you are considering a business move or closure or if you are considering a layoff including layoff aversion resources and strategies, rapid response resources for a layoff, and others. These can be accessed by contacting Oregon's state dislocated worker team or you local Workforce Development Board.

Contact Dislocated Worker Team 

Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs

Trade Act programs help workers who have become unemployed due to increased imports from, or shifts in production to, foreign countries.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program seeks to provide adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs.

Learn more about these programs