About the Board

About the Board

The Oregon Workforce Talent and Development Board (WTDB) is the overall advisory board to the Governor on workforce matters, including developing a strategic plan for Oregon's Workforce Development System.

Appointed by the Governor under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the WTDB is made up of leaders representing business, labor, local workforce development boards, community-based organizations, the Oregon legislature, local government, and state agencies. The majority of the board represents business.

Vision and Mission

The Oregon Workforce and Talent Development Board’s (WTDB’s) vision is equitable prosperity for all Oregonians. To realize this vision, the WTDB advances Oregon through meaningful work, training, and education by empowering people and employers. The WTDB:

  • Leads and communicates a long-term vision for Oregon that anticipates and acts on future workforce needs;
  • Advises the Governor and the legislature on workforce policy and plans;
  • Aligns public workforce policy, resources, and services with employers, education, training and economic development;
  • Identifies barriers, providing solutions, and avoiding duplication of services;
  • Promotes accountability among public workforce partners; and
  • Shares best practices and innovative solutions that are scalable statewide and across multiple regions.

Strategic Plan

Essential to both vision and mission, the WTDB developed four  strategic plan Imperatives for their work and to be communicated to state and local partners and stakeholders. These are:

  1. An inclusive workforce system that advances equitable prosperity.
  2. Clear understanding of and improved use and impact of the
    workforce system.
  3. The WTDB is embraced by the Governor as an accountable
    convener, empowered facilitator and informed advisor.
  4. Strategic and close alignment between education, economic
    development, and workforce development, including public and
    private partners.

Read the 2023-2024 WTDB Strategic Plan

2023-2025 Joint Priorities.pdf

Recent Legislative Successes

HB 3437 (2017)

Sponsored by Representative Reardon, Representative Sollman, and Senator Devlin improved the statewide approach to effective and integrated workforce development. The Bill expands the WTDB’s role and responsibilities for business and industry engagement and establishes responsibility for the creation and ongoing development of a biennial Workforce and Talent Development Plan. The Bill also renamed the Oregon Workforce Investment Board (OWIB) to the Workforce and Talent Development Board.

House Bill 3437

SB 623 (2021)

Sponsored by Senator Frederick and Representative Reardon at the request of Oregon Workforce Partnership requires that the WTDB, in consultation with state workforce agencies and local workforce development boards, establish the Continuous Improvement Committee (CIC) to assess the effectiveness of Oregon’s public workforce development system immediately and every even year into the future. The CIC’s work must include the perspectives of underrepresented populations. Especially in the initial assessment of the workforce system. The CIC has been formed and is working on the initial assessment report.

Senate Bill 623 

HB 2092 (2021)

Filed at the request of Governor Brown modifies the Oregon Youth Employment Program to better serve Oregon youth by ensuring the program grantees serve underrepresented communities across the state, pay youth participants the equivalent of minimum wage, expose students to in-demand occupations, and develop community engagement plans. The Legislature appropriated $9 million to HECC for the 2021-2023 biennium for the Oregon Youth Corps and local workforce development boards.

House Bill 2092

Sections 21-23 of SB 762 (2021)

Establishes the Oregon Conservation Corps (OCC), a separate entity from the Oregon Youth Corps. OCC’s will provide employment for youth participants to reduce wildfire risk and engage them in workforce training. The OCC’s committee is responsible for fundraising and operating a grants process for the issuance of grants to organizations to meet the purpose of the program. A fund is established in the State Treasury for the deposit of state and private funds. The bill appropriates $11,643,688 for the program, $10 million of which is for grants, $1 million for private donation match, and the remainder for program staff.

Senate Bill 762 

Public Meetings

Meetings are open to the public and confirmed through public meeting notices. Recent and upcoming public meeting dates and materials are available for:

  • Workforce Talent Development Board (WTDB)
  • WTDB Executive Committee
  • WTDB Continuous Improvement Committee
  • WTDB Taskforces

View meeting calendar

Materials from past meetings are available on the public meeting calendar under the corresponsing meeting date. 

Members and Membership

The Workforce and Talent Development Board consists of members appointed by the Oregon Governor, as prescribed in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), with voting members confirmed by the Oregon Senate.

View current members 

Board Member Handbook

The Board Member Handbook includes resources for member orientation, board policies and procedures, details about the workforce system, and more. Select a topic to view downloadable resources.

Apply for an appointment

The WTDB is currently recruiting individuals who:

  • Are passionate about assuring that Oregon has an effective workforce system that meets the needs of individuals to find and keep good jobs and for businesses to find workers who support their current and future competitiveness.
  • Are knowledgeable about the workforce system, or willing to take the time to learn about it.
  • Commit to participating regularly on both the board and a standing committee(s), and taskforces.
  • Have a high level of professionalism.
  • Help the Governor meet the goals for boards to be reflective of the full geographic and diversity of our state.

Apply now