Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Meetings are open to the public and confirmed through public meeting notices.

Subscribe to the Workforce and Talent Development Board distribution list to receive public meeting notices and announcements via email or review upcoming meetings and mark your calendar. These meetings are also posted on the Oregon Transparency website. All meeting recording videos are posted and available here.

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How to attend a meeting

Meetings are open to the public and confirmed through public meeting notices. Subscribe to the Workforce and Talent Development Board distribution list to receive public meeting notices and announcements via email or review upcoming meetings and mark your calendar.

Upcoming meetings

Recent and upcoming public meeting dates and materials are available for the Workforce and Talent Development Board (WTDB), the WTDB Executive Committee, the WTDB Continuous Improvement Committee, the WTDB Workforce Readiness Committee, and the WTDB Forestry Steering Committee.

Typical WTDB Meeting cadences *please note these meetings are subject to change, but below are the cadences in which they regularly occur:

  • WTDB Full Board Quarterly Meeting (Every year second Friday of the month in March, June, September, December from 12pm-4pm)
  • WTDB Workforce Readiness Committee Meeting (WRC) (1st Wed of the month 11am-12pm)
  • WTDB Executive Committee Meeting (3rd Wed of the month, excluding board meeting months 1:30pm-3pm)
  • WTDB Continuous Improvement Committee Meeting (CIC) (4th Wed of the month 3pm-4pm)