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Oregon Health Authority

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Program

Benefits for Children under Age 21 and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs 

EPSDT benefits are for OHP members who:

  • Are under age 21 or
  • Are under age 26 and have Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs (YSHCN) benefits.

These benefits include comprehensive preventive health care services from birth until they turn age 21 (or age 26, for members with YSHCN benefits). EPSDT benefits include:

  • Age-appropriate medical exams, screening and diagnostic services and
  • Medically necessary Medicaid-covered services (defined in Section 1905 (a) of the Social Security Act) to treat any physical, dental, developmental and mental health conditions discovered.

Coordinated care organizations (CCOs) cover these benefits for CCO members. Oregon Health Authority (OHA) covers EPSDT benefits for members not enrolled in a CCO (these members have fee-for-service OHP, also known as open card coverage).

Most EPSDT services have been provided in Oregon for many years. This includes through adolescent and well child visits and other routine medical, dental and behavioral health care.

Like all other OHP benefits, both OHA and CCOs must ensure that EPDST benefits are provided in a timely manner and at no cost.

Child with doctor and parent at well-child visit 


Who Qualifies for EPSDT in Oregon?

All children and youth in Oregon up to age 21 who are enrolled in OHP. This includes children and youth under age 21 who enrolled in OHP through Healthier Oregon and OHP Bridge.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, OHP members with YSHCN benefits also have EPSDT coverage.

EPSDT coverage ends on a member's 21st birthday, or on the 26th birthday for members with YSHCN benefits.

Father holding child  

What Services Are Provided?

​Screening visits (also known as well child visits or adolescent well visits) at age-appropriate intervals following the American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures guidelines and periodicity schedule. These visits must include:

  • Full physical exam
  • Full health and developmental history (including assessment of both physical and mental health development)
  • Developmental screening
  • Preventive laboratory tests (including lead toxicity testing and genetic testing)
  • Appropriate immunizations
  • Assessment of nutritional status
  • Anticipatory guidance and health counseling for parents and children
  • Referrals for medically necessary health and mental health treatment

EPSDT also covers screenings for vision, hearing and oral/dental health.

EPSDT also covers unscheduled check-ups or exams that can happen at any time. This can be due to an illness, injury or a change in condition. 

​EPSDT covers all medically necessary and medically appropriate services that are required for an OHP member under age 21, or an OHP member wtih YSHCN benefits. This includes treatment of conditions identified as part of an EPSDT screening or health exam.

Examples include:

  • Physical health services (treatment for illness and injury)
  • Behavioral health services (mental health and substance use disorder treatment, including Applied Behavior Analysis)
  • Case management
  • Speech-language-hearing, occupational and physical therapy
  • Eyeglasses, hearing aids and augmentative communication devices
  • Dental care
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  • Health services provided by school staff, for example as part of an Individualized Education Program
  • Personal care services
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Nutritional supplements/medical foods
Determination of whether a service is medically necessary and medically appropriate must be available on a case-by-case basis, taking into account a particular child's needs. Medically Necessary and Medically Appropriate are defined in Oregon Administrative Rule 410-120-0000.

In cases where prior authorization is required, providers can ask OHA or the child's CCO to review services for medical necessity by submitting a prior authorization request as described on the OHP Prior Authorization page.

OHA makes the final determination of medical necessity and medical appropriateness for hearing requests for denied services and for fee-for-service (open card) prior authorizations. 

EPSDT’s goal is to ensure individual children on Medicaid get the health care they need when they need it – the right care to the right child at the right time in the right setting.

History of EPSDT Coverage in Oregon

OHP has covered most EPSDT services for a long time. However, Oregon's past OHP 1115(a) Medicaid waivers before meant that some services were not covered. Oregon did not renew the longstanding waiver around EPSDT coverage. The decision came as a result of clear feedback from the community, advocates, children's service organizations, and other interested parties. Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, OHA and CCOs must cover all medically necessary and medically appropriate services for OHP members under age 21, regardless of placement on the Prioritized List of Health Services. Medical necessity and medical appropriateness are determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the member's needs.

States must cover all medically necessary and medically appropriate services that are part of the federal EPSDT benefit, even if the service is not available or defined under the state's Medicaid plan.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, OHP members with YSHCN benefits also receive EPSDT coverage. This expansion is authorized by Oregon's 2022-2027 1115(a) Medicaid waiver.

Teens sitting on a park bench, looking at their phones A child stands before two smiling health care providers at a desk 

Member Resources

Member fact sheet

English  Spanish  Russian
Vietnamese  Traditional Chinese  Simplified Chinese  Somali  Arabic  Korean Hmong  Chuukese  Marshallese  Portuguese 

Orthodontic fact sheet

English  Spanish  Russian Vietnamese  Chuukese  Marshallese

Partner Resources


English   Spanish   Russian   Ukrainian   Vietnamese   Arabic   Simplified Chinese   Traditional Chinese   Korean   Somali   Hmong   Chuukese   Marshallese  


English   Spanish   Russian   Ukrainian   Vietnamese   Arabic   Simplified Chinese   Traditional Chinese   Korean   Somali   Hmong   Chuukese   Marshallese  


Change log of guidance updates (1/17/2025)

EPSDT Guidance for OHP providers (1/17/2025)

Provider billing guide (11/18/2024)

OHA policy regarding enclosed safety beds (11/1/2024)

OHA lead testing and screening requirements and recommendations (9/9/2024)

Frequently Asked Questions (12/30/2024): English and Spanish

EPSDT Guidance for CCOs (updated 10/28/2024)

Provider memo (11/25/2023)

Provider webinars: 

LPHA Provider Education Session on Lead Investigation Reimbursements
EPSDT Overview and Open Card Process Updates: 

EPSDT for Behavioral Health and Behavior Rehabilitation Service providers

EPSDT Overview webinar: 

EPSDT Ensuring Access webinar:


Find member fact sheets, flyers, posters and guidance for providers and CCOs at the bottom of this page.

To Learn More:

Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 410 Division 151- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Program

Code of Federal Regulations 42 CFR § 441 Subpart B – Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) of Individuals Under Age 21

Health Resources & Service Administration - Maternal & Child Health Bureau

Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission

Bright Futures – American Academy of Pediatrics 


OHP Members:

Call the phone number listed on your CCO or Plan ID card, or find your CCO's contact information here.

CCO Staff, Providers and Others:

Email OHA's EPSDT staff at