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QuickStart for MicroStation

This information is intended to provide MicroStation users with background about how the software is configured to provide ODOT standard symbologies.

Below, you will see ordered steps that are typically taken to produce a printed sheet. When you expand each step, you will see links to documentation that explain the configuration and choices you may have when operating the software.

In order to use the ODOT standard symbologies and tools, you must launch MicroStation using the OregonDOT WorkSpace. The easiest way to do that is to open DGNs in a CONNECT Design Platform in ProjectWise or to select the ODOT WorkSet if working outside of ProjectWise.

- Accessing ODOT Standards with non-ProjectWise Data

- Accessing ODOT Standards with ProjectWise Data

​- Seed File Descriptions

- How to Access Standard References or Personal Cache Files

- Cell Libraries: Standard, WorkSet, and Personal​

- Level Names

ODOT's best practice is to always create new DGNs from a current seed file for your work. Do not edit DGN files that were created with V8i, V8, or V7 versions of the software. Do not edit DGN files that were created by other people. Attach older work and work created by others as references (see section #2).

If your project is in ProjectWise - then use the ProjectWise Explorer to create new DGNs. The ODOT Naming Tool works best (not perfectly) when using Document>New>Document and the Advanced Wizard. Select your "template" from the software folder that matches the software you will be using, in the​ CAD_Resources\Seed folder at the top of the ProjectWise Documents folder list.​

Picture flowchart of How to Create New DGN File​s in a network share or C: drive, or in ProjectWise.

How to Access Standard References or Personal Cache Files

Models, Container Files, Live Nesting: Slides | Webinar 56:35​

​Where are the tools to use ODOT standard symbologies?

- ODOT Ribbon Workflows

- Place a Table

- AutoTURN

- GuideSIGN

Create a Plan Sheet using Create Drawing in MicroStation - video

Create Detail Sheets using MicroStation - video

​Assemble a Miscellaneous Detail Sheet without Creating Drawing Models​ - PDF​​

Sheets from 11x17 Models in the OPNP File - video

Sheet Layout from Long Uncut Models in the OPNP File​ - video 11:08​

Drawing Boundaries for Plans Production - Slides | Webinar 56:35​​

Because ODOT is producing almost entirely digital prints (PDFs), the available print styles all use the same PDF printer driver. The process takes just a few simple steps to create a PDF from a CAD file containing a drawing: 
  1. Launch Print
  2. Apply a Print Style (based upon the type of model that contains the graphics and the size)
  3. Choose a Pen Table (based upon the purpose of the PDF)
  4. Print to file

Single Sheet Printing

​Creating PDFs for Printing to Roll Plotters

Print Organizer and the Complete Project PSET

Print Organizer for Multiple Sheet Printing

Create a New Print Set File from Keynu.pset in CAD_Resources\Seed in ProjectWise​ - video 1:40

Create PDFs in ProjectWise using Print Organizer for 6_PSnE Milestone - PDF - video 5:41

Workflow to Create a Print Set, Cut and Print the Sheets in a Plan Sheet File in ProjectWise - video 17:16

PDFs from 11x17 Models in the OPNP File - vid​eo 04:07

PDFs from Long Uncut Models in the OPNP File​ - vid​eo 04:14​

Printing and PDFing Using MicroStation/OpenRoads Designer - webinar 55:41​

Below is a series of four webinars that explore key concepts that every designer and CAD technician using the ODOT standards and Bentley CAD software should understand about the design deliverables and plans production process.

Foundations: Models, Container Files, Live Nesting and Design Deliverables (Slides) - (56:35 Webinar)

Drawing Boundaries for the Plans Production Process (Slides) - (54:22 Webinar)

Civil Profile and Alternating Plan & Profile (Slides) - (57:16 Webinar)

Design Deliverables and Plan Sheet Production (Slides) - (56:58 Webinar)