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QuickStart for OpenSite Designer

This information is intended to provide OpenSite Designer users with quick steps to create and analyze information in DGNs for non-corridor design activities.

​OpenSite Designer has separate seed files in a sub-folder named OpenSite. Most new files will be created using OpenSite_Seed2D.dgn; only terrain work would use OpenSite_Seed3D.dgn as the seed file.

ProjectWise Explorer open to the CAD_Resources>Seed>OpenSite folder showing three seed files

- How to create new DGNs in a ProjectWise project

​Opening a DGN from a ProjectWise project that has a 9_WorkSet folder will ensure that the OregonDOT WorkSpace and ODOT standards are loaded.

When you double-click on the desktop icon, make sure you select the OregonDOT WorkSpace and the ODOT WorkSet. Choose [Yes] when prompted to restart to load the configuration.​

​The first step after opening a new DGN file is to attach data from other sources as a reference to the Default model.

Civil Data that is ready for sharing is stored in the 6_Civil_Data folder. When attaching references to terrain or geometry container files, always attach the Default model using Live Nesting with a Depth = 1.

When attaching a reference to an OPNP file in the 2_Plan_Sheets folder, you will typically select a drawing-type model and will need to increase the nesting depth to 3 in order to see the published civil data. 

Models, Container Files, Live Nesting: Slides | Webinar

​The grid in a dynamic profile model may not be printed. The dynamic profile model is not available for reference attachment to other files. The dynamic profile model is for you to use to display the data against a grid to analyze the situation.

How to Open a Profile Window (47 seconds)

Elevation and Profile Information from Terrains (PDF)  (1:01:32 Webinar​)

​To display a dynamic cross section view, open a second view window.

Use the view controls: Right-press in View 1 and select View Control>2 Views Plan/XS. Click [OK] to create a dynamic XS view, then respond to prompts by left-clicking. 1. select the alignment, 2. set the left offset, 3. set the right offset, 4. set the initial station, and 5. set the interval - then, 6. left-click in the second open view window.

Snip of View 8 displaying the dynamic cross sections with the controls on the title bar at the top

​Permanent profiles are delivered to the design and plans production processes by using an OPNP file, saved in the 2_Plan_Sheets folder. The models in an OPNP file may be attached as references and may be printed. To cut a long profile, use the Profile Long Inch 100 drawing boundary.

Design Deliverables Webinar - Long Profile

Design Deliverables for Plans Production

​Cross sections are delivered to the design processes by using a XSEC_bas file, saved in the 6_Civil_Data folder. Stacked cross sections may be viewed in the DGN or plotted to a roll plotter. Cross sections cut into 11x17 sheets are more suitable for PDFs.

Design Deliverables Webinar - Cross Sections

Design Deliverables for Plans Production

Below is a series of four webinars that explore key concepts that every designer and CAD technician using the ODOT standards and Bentley CAD software should understand about the design deliverables and plans production process.

Foundations: Models, Container Files, Live Nesting and Design Deliverables (Slides) - (56:35 Webinar)

Drawing Boundaries for the Plans Production Process (Slides) - (54:22 Webinar)

Civil Profile and Alternating Plan & Profile (Slides) - (57:16 Webinar)

Design Deliverables and Plan Sheet Production (Slides) - (56:58 Webinar)