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Message when placing a table - "Could not obtain data..." or a table that won't refresh from an Excel spreadsheet

Updates to Office 2016 may cause you to receive the message below when placing a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet. You also may have the symptoms of trying to refresh a previously placed table - and your table simply does not refresh. ODOT employees may contact for an uninstall of the Access Database Engine and a Quick Repair to Microsoft 365 which will fix the issue. External partners will find help in Bentley's Communities.
Information dialog - Could not obtain data message

Power InRoads V8i Removed With Windows 11

Upgrades of operating systems from Windows 10 to Windows 11 are occurring in the 1st quarter of 2025. Power InRoads V8i does not run on Windows 11. Power InRoads V8i will be removed from computers that are upgraded, and those upgrades are anticipated to be completed by the end of February 2025.


Engineering Tips Webinar

The Engineering Applications Support Team hosts a weekly webinar on Engineering Tips.  Topics will include different versions of engineering software and operating systems that ODOT currently uses or will use in the future, as well as workflows.

We will send out emails with a subject line beginning with Engineering Tips to the Engineering Users MicroStation email distribution list. Please feel free to submit suggestions for topics, too, by emailing with a subject line of Engineering Tips Topics.


2023 City/County PDFs for Vicinity Maps

City and County PDFs for 2023 that contain the layers needed to adjust the project location map are stored in \\gis_resources\6211shar\ Atlas_CAD_2023, for ODOT users only. Copy and paste the URL into File Explorer.

Sub-folders with "Reduced" in the name contain smaller file-size maps with the same content which may be easier to use. The workflow is explained in Title Sheet Creation.pdf.


Contract Plans Manual

The CAD Manual, the overarching reference document for CAD standards is found on the Drafting and Contract Plans Program web page. Manuals for other disciplines and the Roadway CAD Manual are also available on the same page.
The older Contract Plans Development Guide may be found on ODOT's Engineering website.