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Find resources for PSWs who provide services for I/DD individuals and families.
Useful links
Provider enrollment agreement
PSW Enrollment Application and Agreement - Form 0734
Criminal history check
A Qualified Entity Designee (QED) is needed in order to submit a criminal history check into ORCHARDS (Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Database System, formerly CRIMs).
Financial Management Agent Services (FMAS)
ODDS partners with a vendor for PSWs and their employers to manage payroll and other financial services. Visit their website for employer and employee documents.
Change of information
New address? Name change? Email change?
Keep your information up-to-date by completing the Personal Support Worker Change of Information form:
Email the completed form to
eXPRS enrollment and user help
Progress notes toolkit
Download the toolkit:
Travel time
Steps-based pay rates
A new step-based pay scale started in eXPRS on July 1, 2024. Learn more about this change in an overview of how PSWs are assigned steps in eXPRS.
EVV resource guides - English
EVV resource tutorials - English
Guías de recursos de PSW eXPRS EVV – Español
Tutoriales de recursos de PSW eXPRS EVV – Español
Руководства по ресурсам PSW eXPRS EVV – русский
Учебники PSW eXPRS EVV – русский
Hướng dẫn tài nguyên PSW eXPRS EVV - Tiếng Việt
PSW eXPRS EVV资源指南-中文
PSW eXPRS EVV资源教程-中文
PSW eXPRS EVV Tilmaamaha Kheyraadka - Soomaali
PSW eXPRS EVV Casharrada Kheyraadka - Soomaali
Weekly limits and overtime
Training and resources
Job coach information
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