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Higher Education Coordination Commission

Direct Admission Initiative

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is working with K-12, community college and university partners on direct admissions, a recent state initiative to make the college admissions process more accessible for students. When a direct admissions system is implemented statewide, academically qualified Oregon high school students will be directly informed of their eligibility for admission to some or all Oregon public institutions. The direct admissions process will be simpler for students than the usual college admissions process. Here you can learn more about the statewide work to design a direct admissions program.

On this page, partners in Oregon’s K-12 school districts and education service districts, community colleges and universities can learn about the status of this initiative and find guidance for implementation. Students and families who are interested in exploring postsecondary opportunities can find key links at Access College and Training.

In 2024, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 1552 requiring HECC to establish a direct admissions program with all Oregon public higher education institutions. The goals of direct admission are to: 

  • Increase the enrollment of Oregon high school students who demonstrate potential to be successful in college but are not currently applying,   
  • Reduce the burden of the college application process for Oregon students; and  
  • Remove financial barriers for Oregon students seeking postsecondary education. 

In addition to the requirement to establish the direct admissions program, HECC and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) are required to coordinate and plan to make student data available to support the program. 

Questions and Answers on the Direct Admissions Initiative 

​​When direct admissions is implemented statewide, we anticipate that a letter will be sent to every public high school student in Oregon to inform them based on a few key academic criteria, which Oregon community colleges and public universities are available to them for further study.​ Students will contact the college or university of their choice to learn about costs, financial aid and enrollment.    ​​

​No, current criteria and processes for admissions at Oregon’s community colleges and public universities will not go away.  All Oregon students will still be able to research, select, and apply to the colleges and universities of their choice.  The student experience of a direct admissions process will be simpler than the usual college admissions process, but both processes will be available. ​

​Although there is not a specific timeline or deadline written in the legislation, the HECC and numerous partners are actively working on the initiative.  

The beginning phase of this program is focused on planning for the statewide implementation of direct admissions. The beginning phase also includes implementing local direct admissions partnerships for regions that are ready to proceed. The HECC is designing a statewide program and a plan for collecting and sharing the data needed to scale up the regional programs into a statewide initiative. 

In spring of 2023, the HECC Office of Academic Policy and Authorization started convening partners to address the challenges and opportunities involved in implementing direct admissions across Oregon. In February of 2024, this coalition evolved into the Direct Admissions Work Group. This Work Group, which is advisory to HECC staff, includes representatives from public universities, community colleges, Oregon Department of Education and school district leaders. 

In 2024, the Work Group also formed several sub-groups to address specific topics within direct admissions, including K-12 policy and student financial aid. Additional sub-groups will focus on data sharing agreements and program evaluation during the 2024-25 academic year. Since 2023, the Workgroup has explored the following topics:     ​

  • Creating processes for identifying, admitting, and welcoming high school students;  
  • Seeking funding for regional pilot direct admissions programs;  
  • Defining the responsibilities of schools, districts, education service districts, and higher education institutions;
  • Refining the steps in the admissions process so it is understandable for students, families, and school leaders; ​
  • Sharing information about financial aid opportunities; and
  • Strategies to ensure ongoing student support to promote retention and success.

Direct admissions will be scaled according to available funding options. For the 2024-25 academic year, there is no dedicated funding to implement the program, but planning for statewide implementation is underway, and regional implementation is beginning. The Workgroup is exploring funding scenarios that describe what can be accomplished with varying levels of investment. ​​

Direct Admissions Implementation Toolkit   

The HECC has been convening a statewide Direct Admissions Work Group—advisory to staff—to develop recommendations and share best practices for successful statewide implementation of direct admissions. The Direct Admissions Work Group has created a Best Practices Guide to ensure a collaborative and equitable approach to implementing direct admissions across Oregon’s school districts, state agencies, community colleges, and public universities. The guide is informed by experts from states that have implemented similar programs, and focuses on fostering opportunities for all students. 

The coordination of direct admissions work at the HECC is led by the HECC Office of Academic Policy and Authorization. If you have questions on direct admissions, you may contact Mariana Zaragoza at