Current water quality permit fees
The Environmental Quality Commission adopted rules to increase water quality permit, license and certification fees by up to 3% in 2024 for fiscal year 2025, as provided in ORS 468B.051. The amount of the increase may not exceed the anticipated increase in the cost of administering the program or 3%, whichever is lower.
In addition to the 3% fee increase, the Onsite Septic Program included a one-time fee increase of approximately 14% to fund resource enhancements authorized by the 2023 Legislature in Policy Option Package 123.
DEQ will begin receiving the increased fee revenue in August 2024 for the Onsite program and in November 2024 for all other programs.
To learn about future fee increases, please sign-up for text or email updates about the Water Quality program.
Individual and General NPDES and WPCF Permits:401 Dredge and Fill FeesWastewater System Operator Certification FeesOnsite Septic System Permits:Oregon Administrative Rule 340-071-0800 Fee Tables 9A-9F and Oregon Administrative Rule 340-071-0220 Table 1-8 (Effective Aug. 1, 2024)
Application submittals
Please see your application cover letter or call the appropriate regional office below for fee information and to determine where to send this application. This application must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of your current permit.
Send the form and fee to the appropriate DEQ regional office:
Make your check payable to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
DEQ Northwest Region
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
503-229-5263 or 1-800-452-4011
DEQ Western Region
4026 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE
Salem, OR 97302
503-378-8240 or 1-800-349-7677
DEQ Eastern Region
800 SE Emigrant Ave., Suite 330
Pendleton, OR 97801
541-276-4063 or 1-800-304-3513
For additional questions contact us at
NPDES Individual Domestic Permits
New permit application forms
Fee range
- Please see Table 70C for application and annual fees.
- Population, pretreatment, technical activities and other fees may apply.
Permit renewal application forms
Fee range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
WPCF Individual Domestic Permits
New permits application forms
Fee range
Please see Table 70C for application and annual fees.
- Population, pretreatment, technical activities and other fees may apply.
Permit renewals application forms
Fee range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
Permit/Discharge Type
Industrial wastewater discharges to surface waters; some stormwater discharges to surface waters not otherwise covered by NPDES general permit.
New permit application forms
- EPA Form 1
and one of the following:
- EPA Form 2D
(new industrial process wastewater or any mixture of process wastewater, non-process wastewater and/or stormwater)
- EPA Form 2E
(non-process wastewater only)
- EPA Form 2F
(industrial stormwater only - not otherwise covered by a general permit)
- EPA Form 2B
(aquatic animal production)
Fee range
Permit renewal application forms- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
- Renewal
and one of the following:
- EPA Form 2C
(existing industrial process wastewater or any mixture of process wastewater, non-process wastewater and/or stormwater)
- EPA Form 2E
(non-process wastewater only)
- EPA Form 2F
(industrial stormwater only - not otherwise covered by a general permit)
- EPA Form 2B
(aquatic animal production)
Fee range- No fees required at time of renewal.
Permit/discharge type: Industrial wastewater discharges New permits a
pplication forms
Fee range
Permit renewals application forms
Fee range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
WPCF Individual Domestic Permits (Water Pollution Control Facility)
NEW Permits Application Forms
Permit RENEWALs Application Forms
Fee Range
- Fees vary based on application type, system type and flow volume.
- A $100 surcharge is added to each application.
The fee schedule can be found in the DEQ Onsite Wastewater Rules.
- Call your regional DEQ office for help with determining fees. Ask for the Water Quality WPCF Permit Coordinator:
- Eastern Region- Pendleton at 541-276-4063
- Northwest Region- Portland at 503-229-5696
- Western Region- Eugene at 541-686-7838
Or toll-free 800-452-4011 and ask for Water Quality permitting for your region
- Oregon TTY: 800-735-2900 or 711
New permit registration application forms
Fee range
- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewals application forms
- Renewal - not available
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee Range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
Visit DEQ's 100-J General Permit web page for more information.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 200-J
New permit registration application forms
Fee range- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
Fee Range- No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 300-J
New permit registration application forms
Fee range- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
Fee range- No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 400-J
New permit registration application forms
Fee range - Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
Fee range - No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 500-J
New permit registration application forms
Fee range- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
Fee range- No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
General Industrial NPDES Permit 700-PM
New permit registration application form
Renewal permit registration application form
- Guides/Forms/Resources - Inadvertent Discovery Plan Template
- "I found an artifact" - Bulletin 1: Archaeological Sites on Private Lands
- Guides/Forms/Resources - Bulletin 3: Archaeological Sites on Public Lands
- Helping Them Home: The Need to Return Artifacts and Sacred Objects to Native American Tribes (video)
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 900-J
New permit registration application forms
The information here is a summary of 900-J
requirements. For complete information, including special requirements for Tier
1 and Tier 2 applicants, see the Requirements for 900-J Fact Sheet.
Fee range- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
- No fee required for renewal of coverage
Permit registration renewal application formsThe information here is a summary of 900-J requirements. For complete information, including special requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 applicants, see the Requirements for 900-J Fact Sheet.
WPCF 1000 Aggregate and Gravel Mining General Permit Reissuance 2025
DEQ has started the renewal of the WPCF 1000 permit for industrial aggregate and gravel mining activities. Please sign up for Water Quality Permits topic for the latest updates. Please see important information on the Industrial Stormwater Permits web page as the NPDES 1200-A and WPCF 1000 will be reissued at the same time.
General Industrial WPCF Permits - 1000
New permit registration application forms
Contact DOGAMI, 541-967-2039 except for Columbia County:
Fee Range - Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee Range - No fees required at time of renewal.
NPDES General Stormwater Discharge Permits 1200-C
DEQ Stormwater Permitting is now operating in DEQ's newest online platform, called Your DEQ Online. You can set up your account and submit notifications and fees electronically. All applications, notifications and reports will be on Your DEQ Online and will not be available in PDF or Word format.
Construction activities - one acre or more
Permit registration application forms
1200-CN Stormwater Construction: Automatic coverage within "Local Qualified Program" jurisdictions
An owner or operator that has received a local permit authorizing construction activities is not required to submit an application for permit coverage to DEQ. The construction activities are automatically covered under the State 1200-CN permit.
DEQ is accepting applications from public entities to register for 1200-CA permit coverage.
Please see
Table 70G for application and annual fees.
NPDES General Stormwater Discharge Permits
1200-Z Permit DEQ Stormwater Permitting is now operating in DEQ's newest online platform, called Your DEQ Online. You can set up your account and submit notifications and fees electronically. All applications, notifications and reports will be on Your DEQ Online and will not be available in PDF or Word format.
Permit registration application forms
Permit registration renewal application form
Fees- No fees required at time of renewal
NPDES Individual Stormwater Discharge Permits
Municipalities with populations greater than 100,000
NEW Permit Registration Application Forms
NPDES Individual Stormwater Discharge Permits
Municipalities with populations less than 100,000
Permit registration application forms
Permit Registration RENEWAL Application Forms
General Industrial WPCF Permit - 1400-A
Includes facilities that generate 100 gallons per day or more of process wastewater.
Includes wineries that produce 6,000 cases or more of wine per year.
Background Information:
New permit registration application forms
Fee range
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee range - No fees required at time of renewal.
Annual report form
General Industrial WPCF Permit - 1400-B
Includes facilities that generate 100 gallons per day or more of process wastewater.
Includes wineries that produce 6,000 cases or more of wine per year.
Does not include mobile custom slaughtering facilities defined in
OAR 603-028-0600Background Information:
New permit registration application forms
Fee Range - Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee Range - No fees required at time of renewal.
Annual report form
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 1500-A
New permit registration application forms:
Fee range:
Permit registration renewal application forms:
Fee range:
General Industrial WPCF Permits - 1500-BNew permit registration application forms
Fee range - Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee range - No fees required at time of renewal.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 1700-A
New permit registration application forms
Fee range
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (if major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
General Industrial WPCF Permits - 1700-B
New permit registration application forms
Fee range
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS if stationary source and major changes have been made at the facility or site
Fee range - No fees required at time of renewal.
General Industrial NPDES Permits - 1900-J
New permit registration application forms
Fee range - Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
Fee range - No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
2000-J Permit
New permit registration application forms
Fee Range
Renewal permit registration application forms
Fee range
2200-J PermitNEW Permits Application Forms
Fee Range
Permit RENEWALs Application Forms
Fee Range
- No fees required at time of renewal.
*Note: This permit is currently expired and cannot be assigned to new applicants. Please contact the appropriate regional office and ask to speak with your Water Quality Permit Coordinator.
New permits application form
Fee Range
- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms
- Renewal (not available at this time)
Fee Range
- No fees required at time of renewal
New permits application form
Fee Range
- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application form
- Renewal (not available at this time)
Fee Range
- No fees required at time of renewal
See DEQ's Graywater Reuse page for more information.
WPCF Individual Domestic Permits (Water Pollution Control Facility)
NEW Permits Application Forms
Fee Range
- Please see Table 9D for application, filing and annual compliance determination fees.
- Surcharge: $100
- Site Evaluation (Table 9A) and Plan Review (Table 9D) fees may also apply.
Permit RENEWALs Application Forms
Fee Range
- Please see Table 9D for filing, renewal and modification fees.
- Surcharge: $100
General Industrial WPCF Permit 2501
New permit registration application forms
Fee range
- Please see Table 70G for application and annual fees.
Permit registration renewal application forms - Renewal
- LUCS (If major changes have been made at the facility or site)
Fee range
- No fees required at time of renewal.