Active UICs must be authorized by DEQ, either by rule or by permit. Authorization by rule is the simplest and most cost effective way to have a UIC authorized, but UICs can only be authorized by rule if the UICs meet certain conditions.
UICs that drain roof-only runoff can be authorized by rule. UICs that drain stormwater from parking lots, streets and/or driveways can be authorized by rule if all of the following are true:
- The UIC is located more than 500 feet from the nearest water supply well,
- The UIC is located outside of the two-year time-of-travel for a municipal water well,
- The UIC does not intersect the seasonal high groundwater table,
- The UIC does not impact contaminated soil or groundwater,
- Structural and non-structural best management practices are used for source control and treatment, and
- Stormwater that drains to the UIC is not exposed to hazardous materials
If a UIC does not meet one or more of the conditions above, the UIC must be authorized by permit or closed.
To apply for authorization of a UIC, submit an application to DEQ.