Owners and operators of petroleum and natural gas systems must report greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the operation of this infrastructure within Oregon if the emissions meet or exceed 2,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.
This requirement applies to anyone that owns or operates a facility physically located in Oregon that contains petroleum and natural gas systems industry segments listed in 40 C.F.R. 98.230 (a)(1) through (10). This includes onshore petroleum and natural gas production, offshore petroleum and natural gas production, onshore natural gas processing, natural gas transmission compression, underground natural gas storage, liquefied natural gas storage and LNG import and export.
Entities subject to reporting Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems data to DEQ must do so using the Your DEQ Online system. For this sector, the DEQ Reporting Form for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems must be submitted with the annual report in Your DEQ Online. The documents below provide more details on applicability, reporting requirements, and the use of our online reporting system.
Reporting guidance and forms
Reporting tool
Sources subject to the reporting program must submit annual reports by March 31 following the emission calendar year unless otherwise determined by DEQ. If the reporting deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or an Oregon state observed holiday, the reporting is due the following business day.