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Greenhouse Gas Reporting Resources and Forms

Click on each source type below to read details about who needs to report within each category, reporting requirements, find reporting resources and learn about reporting deadlines.

Visit GHG Reporting Training page for information on upcoming trainings and archived training materials.


Stationary sources that hold an Air Contaminant Discharge Permit or Title V operating permit in Oregon are required to report greenhouse gas emissions to DEQ if the permit holder emits equal to or greater than 2,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent during the calendar year.

Starting with the reporting of 2023 emissions in 2024, permit holders must report GHG emissions data and related information through Your DEQ Online. Your DEQ Online is DEQ's new online file management system. The documents below provide more details on applicability, reporting requirements, and the use of our online reporting system.

Reporting guidance and forms

Reporting tool

Reporting resources


Facilities with air quality stationary source permits must submit annual reports by March 31 following the emission calendar year, unless otherwise established by DEQ. ​


Fuel suppliers and In-State Producers must report the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the complete combustion of all fuels they supply for use in Oregon. While the Oregon greenhouse gas reporting rules apply to all Oregon licensed fuel sellers and dealers as well as any person that distributes more than 5,500 gallons of certain tax-exempt fuels (or 10,500 gallons of propane) the annual reporting obligation is limited to certain entities operating within the fuel distribution system.

Reporting requirements apply specifically to distributors that own and disburse fuel from Oregon terminal storage facilities, referred to as position holders, companies that produce fuel in-state and supply it for use in Oregon and certain distributors that import fuel from out of state.

The guidance documents below provide additional details on applicability, reporting requirements, and the Oregon Fuels Reporting System.

Reporting guidance

Reporting tool

Reporting resources


Fuel Suppliers subject to the reporting program must submit annual reports by April 30 following the emission calendar year, unless otherwise notified by DEQ. If the reporting deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or an Oregon state observed holiday, the reporting is due the following business day.​


Owners and operators of petroleum and natural gas systems must report greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the operation of this infrastructure within Oregon if the emissions meet or exceed 2,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

This requirement applies to anyone that owns or operates a facility physically located in Oregon that contains petroleum and natural gas systems industry segments listed in 40 C.F.R. 98.230 (a)(1) through (10). This includes onshore petroleum and natural gas production, offshore petroleum and natural gas production, onshore natural gas processing, natural gas transmission compression, underground natural gas storage, liquefied natural gas storage and LNG import and export.

Entities subject to reporting Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems data to DEQ must do so using the Your DEQ Online system. For this sector, the DEQ Reporting Form for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems must be submitted with the annual report in Your DEQ Online. The documents below provide more details on applicability, reporting requirements, and the use of our online reporting system.

Reporting guidance and forms

Reporting tool


Sources subject to the reporting program must submit annual reports by March 31 following the emission calendar year unless otherwise determined by DEQ. If the reporting deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or an Oregon state observed holiday, the reporting is due the following business day.​


Natural gas suppliers and in-state producers must report the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the complete combustion of all natural gas, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas, hydrogen, and biomethane they supply to and within Oregon, as prescribed by OAR 340-215-0115. 

Entities subject to reporting must do so using the Your DEQ Online system. The guidance documents below provide additional details on applicability, reporting requirements, and use of Your DEQ Online.

Reporting guidance and forms

Reporting Tool


Sources subject to the reporting program must submit annual reports by March 31 following the emission calendar year unless otherwise determined by DEQ. If the reporting deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or an Oregon state observed holiday, the reporting is due the following business day.​


Electricity suppliers that import, sell, allocate, or distribute electricity to end users in Oregon must report the greenhouse gas emissions and information related to the generation of electricity distributed to end users in this state, regardless of whether the electricity was imported or generated in Oregon, as prescribed in OAR 340-215.

Reporting requirements are specific to electricity supplier type, which include investor-owned utilities, electricity service suppliers, and consumer-owned utilities. There are additional requirements for multi-jurisdictional utilities, asset-controlling suppliers, and third parties who report on behalf of consumer-owned utilities. DEQ's reporting guidance outlines the applicability and the different reporting requirements for each supplier type.

Entities subject to reporting must do so using Your DEQ Online. The guidance documents below provide additional details on applicability, reporting requirements, and use of Your DEQ Online.

Reporting guidance

Reporting tool

Reporting resources


Electricity suppliers must annually report by June 1 following the emission calendar year, unless otherwise established by DEQ. ​


An asset-controlling supplier is an entity that owns or operates inter-connected electricity generating facilities or has exclusive rights to claim electricity from these facilities even though they do not own them. DEQ must approve a facility for ACS designation through the process described below. Entities reporting under Oregon's greenhouse gas reporting rules can report power from a DEQ-approved ACS as a specified source using a published system emission factor.

DEQ annually posts approved ACS and system emission factors below:

​ACS Approval Process

Entities seeking ACS designation must be approved through DEQ, as prescribed by OAR 340-215-0120. Suppliers must submit application materials, report data and comply with all third-party verification requirements under OAR 340-272. To start the process, review the materials below and email the Oregon DEQ Greenhouse Gas Program at

Renewal Process

To remain as an approved ACS under the Oregon GHG Reporting Program, an ACS must submit the application and data each calendar year.


ACS applications and data must be submitted to DEQ by June 1 to be approved for use in a future year.​


Please email with general reporting questions and data requests or contact a sector specialist for reporting assistance.