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The CERTA grant provides opportunities for residents to reduce their energy bills by subsidizing home upgrades that will support a cleaner environment.


$200-$3000 per unit, capped at $200,000 per housing project. 

The Oregon Housing & Community Services' Multifamily Energy Program is a community-focused program that incorporates energy-efficient design in affordable multifamily rental housing. The program offers participants resources including design assistance, cash incentives and coordination with other regional programs. 

Apply for home construction grants

Weatherization Projects

  1. Up to $2,000/project for weatherization measures
  2. $5,000 per housing unit for weatherization upgrades
1.Grants are available to Oregon residents based on family size, household income, and the type of home. Residents must live in a single-family home, manufactured home or multifamily residence that is an attached side-by-side unit like a rowhome, or is a unit within a duplex, triplex, or fourplex property. Check the income table on Energy's Trust website for more information.
Apply for home weatherization grants

2.The Oregon Healthy Homes Grant program provides financial assistance for persons in low-income households to repair and rehabilitation their homes and for landlords to repair and rehabilitate dwelling units for low-income households. 

Apply for home weatherization grants

Heat Pumps

$2,000 per heat pump

Heat pump eligibility details are currently being defined. Please check the Oregon Department of Energy Heat Pump Incentive Programs webpage for updates. 

Apply for heat pump grants