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Commercial Construction

The CERTA grant provides funding for building projects that adopt Oregon's Building Energy Performance Standards and others that exceed federal and state requirements.

Multi-family and Commercial  Buildings

$14 million total for all grants

Awards for multi-family and commercial buildings meeting early or voluntarily compliance with Oregon Building Energy Performance Standards. 

Apply for multi-family and commercial building grants

Energy Efficient Homes

$2000 per unit

Awards and incentives for builders and developers on projects that deliver at least 10 percent better than the current Oregon Residential Specialty Code. Funding available through Energy Trust's EPS New Construction Program. Projects must serve low-income, rural, and/or tribal communities. Homes must be built with at least one participating Energy Trust of Oregon utility.

More information is available on Energy Trust's website

Methane Reduction Initiatives

Over $6 million available for all projects

This grant offers money to the owners of landfills in Oregon for projects that reduce methane emissions from landfills beyond the existing federal and state requirements.