Oregonians produce greenhouse gas emissions directly from activities like driving cars and heating homes. We also indirectly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions when we purchase electricity, goods or food manufactured in other states or countries. These emissions are contributing to global
climate change.
DEQ evaluates statewide greenhouse gas emissions in two ways:
- Sector-based inventory: Emissions produced in Oregon from its transportation, residential, commercial, industrial and agriculture sectors, including electricity produced elsewhere but used in state.
- Consumption-based inventory: Emissions produced around the world due to Oregon’s consumption of energy, goods and services. Over half of Oregon’s consumption-based emissions occur in other states or nations and are not included in the sector-based inventory.
DEQ publishes a comprehensive report every five years that evaluates Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions with data from the sector-based and consumption-based inventories.

Oregon’s sector-based emissions are 10 percent above 1990 levels. Consumption-based emissions are 42 percent above 1990 levels.
Oregon has goals to reduce emissions 10 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 75 percent by 2050. The
Oregon Global Warming Commission uses DEQ data to track trends in greenhouse gas emissions and recommend strategies for meeting these goals.