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Strategic Initiatives and Enterprise Accountability

Governor Kotek has a vision to improve customer service for Oregonians. That means being more efficient, more effective, and creating systems that will empower our collective 42,000 public servants to deliver the services and support Oregonians rely on. 

On Jan. 11, 2023, the Governor sent a letter to executive branch agencies with a series of expectations for the leaders of our state agencies and has tasked Department of Administrative Services to create the infrastructure and oversight for agencies to meet these performance measures. These expectations will serve as guideposts for our work with Oregonians, providing new data that will help us break down silos and make system improvements to help serve individuals and families in all corners of the state. Review January letter and expectations.

Past Reports:

Accountability Measures

​​​​​​​Enterprise Lead 

Resource Documents

​​​​​Enterprise Lead 

Resource Documents

​​​​​​Enterprise Lead 

​​​​Enterprise Lead

Resource Documents

​​Enterprise Lead 

​​Resource Documents

​​​​​​​​Enterprise Lead

​​Resource Documents

​​​​Enterprise Lead

Resource Documents

​Enterprise Lead

Resource Documents

​​​​​​​Enterprise Lead

Resource Documents

Connect with DAS Strategic Initiatives and Enterprise Accountability:

Mary R. Moller
Chief of Strategic Initiatives and Enterprise Accountability

Rosa Klein
Strategic Initiatives Project Manager