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Administrative Rules

ODOT Division Rulemaking


These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Send any written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice.

Credit & Debit Card Transactions and Fees
CCD proposes these amendments to align rule language with statutory language and authority. All changes are consistent with current business practices and ORS.
Rules to be amended: 740-015-0080, 740-055-0020
Last day for public comment: March 21, 2025  5:00 PM
Anticipated date of OTC approval: May 8, 2025

These proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.​

There are no recently closed rules in this chapter at this time.

These rule changes have been adopted approximately within the last six months.​

Annual adoption of Federal safety regulations
CCD amended these rules to reflect the annual readoption of several federal safety regulations on the effective date of April 1, 2025.
Rules amended: 740-100-0010, 740-100-0065, 740-100-0070, 740-100-0080, 740-100-0085, 740-100-0090, 740-100-0100, 740-110-0010
Filed: March 13, 2025
Effective: April 1, 2025
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 5-2025
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Feb. 21, 2025. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Accident to collision -​​ 734
Accident to collision - 740
Amended language in rules from two ODOT rule chapters – 734 Delivery and Operations, and 740 CCD. The rulemakings should be read together to gain a complete picture of the actions being taken.
Rules amended in chapter 734: 734-070-0020, 734-073-0067, 734-076-0015, 734-076-0155
Rules amended in chapter 740: 740-040-0020, 740-100-0020, 740-100-0070
Filed and effective: March 13, 2025​​
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 4-2025, DOD 2-2025​
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Dec. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (chapter 734 and chapter 740), which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Annual adoption of IRP/IFTA/HVUT rules

CCD amended rules to reflect the yearly adoption of rules of the International Registration Plan (IRP), United States Internal Revenue Service contained in 26 CFR Part 41 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), and the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
Rules amended: 740-200-0010, 740-200-0020, 740-200-0040
Filed and effective: January 16, 2025
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 2-2025
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Nov. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Online systems amendments
CCD amended rules pertaining to online transactions to allow motor carriers to use online services during our business hours and while our contact center is closed, without having to speak with a representative.
Rules amended: 740-015-0010, 740-015-0020, 740-015-0030, 740-015-0050, 740-015-0060, 740-015-0080, 740-015-0090, 740-015-0110, 740-035-0015, 740-040-0070
Rules repealed: 740-015-0040, 740-015-0100
Filed and effective: January 16, 2025
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 1-2025
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Nov. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.​

Lease agreements
CCD amended rules allowing for taxes to be paid on behalf of one motor carrier by another motor carrier when a lease is in effect.
Rules amended: 740-030-0020, 740-045-0150
Filed and effective: January 16, 2025​
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 3-2025
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Nov. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.​

​​​​​​​​PUBLISHED COMMERCE AND COMPLIANCE​ RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: https://secur​​ Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 740 or 734.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Send any written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice​.

​Branded Vehicle Titles
DMV proposes to amend this rule to clarify its current practice related to issuing a branded title. The proposed rule clarifies that DMV will issue a branded title for a vehicle that a reporting entity has marked in NMVTIS JSI as "scrap," “parts only” or "crushed" only if the same entity later marks the vehicle as "sold."
Rule to be amended: 735-020-0070
Last day for public comment: March 21, 2025  5:00 PM
Anticipated date of OTC approval: May 8, 2025

Special Interest Plates
DMV proposes to amend this rule to further specify the registration plates a customer may use when registering their vehicle as special interest. This rule change is reflective of current DMV practices.
Rule to be amended: 735-040-0000
Last day for public comment: March 21, 2025  5:00 PM
Anticipated date of OTC approval: May 8, 2025

These proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.

There are no recently closed rules in this chapter at this time.

These rule changes have been adopted approx​imately within the last six months.​

*CDL/CLP Medical Info​
DMV proposes to amend these rules to modify the process for how CDL and CLP holders provide updated medical information. Instead of submitting a Medical Examiner’s Certificate directly to DMV, the medical examiner will now upload the driver’s medical certification information to the National Registry to reduce fraud, increase safety and ensure accurate information is available.
Rules to be amended: 735-063-0205, 735-063-0220, 735-063-0230, 735-063-0340
Date of OTC approval: March 13, 2025
Filed and effective: unknown. *Waiting on direction from FMCSA.
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Jan. 21, 2025. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Traffic Offenses​​
DMV amended this rule to revise the list of offenses in Table 1 and Table 2, and updated the stated effective date in the revised tables to align with Oregon laws, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) standards and federal regulations.
Rule amended: 735-064-0220
Filed: March 13, 2025
Effective: March 17, 2025
Administrative Order No.: DMV 2-2025
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Jan. 21, 2025. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Changing the term accident to collision
DMV amended certain rules to change the term “accident” to “collision” in alignment with 2024 SB 1574.
Rules amended: 735-010-0110, 735-010-0220, 735-050-0010, 735-050-0055, 735-050-0070, 735-050-0080, 735-064-0100
Rules adopted: 735-050-0004, 735-050-0005
Filed: December 4, 2024
Effective: January 1, 2025​
Administrative Order No.: DMV 32-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Sept. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Drug and Alcohol Cleari​nghouse
​Following the federal regulations adopted by FMCSA, DMV will query the DACH database prior to issuance of Commercial Driving Privileges.
Rule adopted:  ​735-063-0315
Rules amended: 735-001-0050, 735-063-0205
Filed and effective: ​December 4, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DMV 33-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Oct. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Driver E​ducation cards - 735
Driver Education cards - 737
Amended rules from tw​​o ODOT rule chapters - 735 DMV, and 737 Safety. The two notices should be read together to gain a complete picture of the actions being taken.
Rules amended in chapter 735: 735-062-0080, 735-062-0140
Rules amended in chapter 737: 737-015-0020, 737-015-0030, 737-015-0076, 737-015-0095, 737-015-0120
Filed and effective: October 14, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DMV 29-2024, TSO 2-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Sept. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (chapter 735 and chapter 737), which includes the notice and proposed rules.​

Transferring Canadian and Mexican CDLs for an Oregon CDL​​
Previously, Oregon allowed CDL transfers to Mexican and Canadian CDL holders without testing. However, Oregon became a target for indiv​iduals who fraudulently claimed Oregon residency to be issued Oregon CDLs and avoid the testing or issuance requirements in their home state. DMV amended its rules to prevent fraud by limiting who is eligible for a CDL transfer.
Rules amended: 735-063-0260, 735-063-0263
Filed and effective: October 10, 2024​
Administrative Order No.: DMV 30-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Sept. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.​​

​​​PUBLISHED DMV RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 735.​​​​​​​​

PUBLISHED TRANSPORTATION SAFETY RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapte​r, select chapter 737.​

These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Send any written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice​.​​

There are no proposed rules for comment at this time.

These ​proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.​

There are no recently closed rules in this chapter at this time.


These rule changes were adopted approximately within the last six months.

Accident to collision -​​ 734
Accident to collision - 740
Amended language in rules from two ODOT rule chapters – 734 Delivery and Operations, and 740 CCD. The rulemakings should be read together to gain a complete picture of the actions being taken.
Rules amended in chapter 734: 734-070-0020, 734-073-0067, 734-076-0015, 734-076-0155
Rules amended in chapter 740: 740-040-0020, 740-100-0020, 740-100-0070
Filed and effective: March 13, 2025​​
Administrative Order No.: MCTD 4-2025, DOD 2-2025​
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Dec. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (chapter 734 and chapter 740), which includes the notice and proposed rules.

ORION system​​
Changes to implement an over-dimension permitting system.
Rules adopted: 734-075-0028, 734-082-0011
Rules amended: 734-070-0060, 734-070-0100, 734-070-0110, 734-070-0120, 734-070-0130, 734-070-0140, 734-071-0005, 734-071-0010, 734-071-0015, 734-072-0005, 734-072-0022, 734-072-0025, 734-072-0030, 734-073-0050, 734-073-0051, 734-073-0056, 734-073-0060, 734-073-0065, 734-073-0070, 734-073-0080, 734-073-0100, 734-073-0110, 734-073-0130, 734-073-0140, 734-074-0005, 734-074-0006, 734-074-0008, 734-074-0010, 734-074-0020, 734-074-0023, 734-074-0025, 734-074-0028, 734-074-0030, 734-074-0035, 734-074-0040, 734-074-0045, 734-074-0051, 734-074-0060, 734-074-0070, 734-074-0090, 734-075-0005, 734-075-0008, 734-075-0010, 734-075-0020, 734-075-0022, 734-075-0035, 734-075-0036, 734-075-0037, 734-075-0041, 734-075-0055, 734-075-0085, 734-077-0005, 734-077-0010, 734-077-0015, 734-077-0020, 734-077-0040, 734-078-0005, 734-078-0010, 734-078-0017, 734-078-0020, 734-078-0025, 734-078-0030, 734-078-0035, 734-078-0040, 734-079-0005, 734-079-0015, 734-079-0025, 734-082-0001, 734-082-0002, 734-082-0003, 734-082-0004, 734-082-0005, 734-082-0006, 734-082-0009, 734-082-0010, 734-082-0015, 734-082-0016, 734-082-0020, 734-082-0021, 734-082-0025, 734-082-0030, 734-082-0035, 734-082-0039, 734-082-0040, 734-082-0045, 734-082-0050, 734-082-0051, 734-082-0053, 734-082-0055, 734-082-0060, 734-082-0070, 734-082-0080, 734-082-0085
Rules repealed: 734-072-0007, 734-072-0010, 734-072-0011, 734-072-0015, 734-072-0020, 734-072-0023, 734-075-0002
Filed and effective: March 13, 2025​
Administrative Order No.: DOD 1-2025​
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Dec. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Establishment of an Environmental Product Declaration Support Fund​​
ODOT established the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Support Fund and grant program for environmental product declarations to offer financial support to bidders or proposers in order for them to qualify to respond to certain ODOT invitations to bid or requests for proposal.
Rules adopted: 734-023-0005; 734-023-0015; 734-023-0030; 734-023-0040; 734-023-0050; 734-023-0060; 734-023-0070; 734-023-0080
Filed and effective: December 5, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DOD 4-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Oct. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

​​​PUBLISHED HIGHWAY DIVISION RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 734.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The former Transportation Safety Division is now the Transportation Safety Office within ​DMV. Any current Transportation Safety Office (chapter 737) rulemaking activity will be found in the DMV tab.

PUBLISHED TRANSPORTATION SAFETY RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 737.

These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Send any written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice​.

There are no proposed Rail rules for comment at this time.

These proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.​

There are no​ recently closed Rail rules at this time.

These rule changes have been adopted approximately within the last six months.

State Rail Rehabilitation Fund​​
These standards determine project eligibility and application procedures for the State Rail Rehabilitation Fund.
Rules​ adopted: 741-015-0010, 741-015-0020, 741-015-0025, 741-015-0030, 741-015-0040, 741-015-0050, 741-015-0060, 741-015-0070, 741-015-0080
Filed and effective:​ October 10, 2024​
Administrative Order No.: RD 2-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Aug. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

​PUBLISHED RAIL DIVISION RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 741.​​

​The term "Other Divisions" refers to rules, primarily in chapter 731, that belong to multiple areas of ODOT such as Procurement, Financial Services, Connect Oregon, Road Usage Charge Program, Fuels Tax, Transportation Development and Oregon Innovative Partnerships Program.

These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Please send your written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice​.

Multi Modal Federal Grant
Following the temporary rule order DOT 5-2024​, ODOT proposes the following permanent rules to establish the process ODOT uses to accept Connect Oregon grant applications where the applicant intends to use funds as the required match for federal grants.
Rules to be amended: 731-035-0010, 731-035-0020, 731-035-0030, 731-035-0040, 731-035-0050, 731-035-0060, 731-035-0070
Rules to be adopted: 731-035-0110, 731-035-0120, 731-035-0130, 731-035-0140, 731-035-0150, 731-035-0160, 731-035-0170, 731-035-0180
Last day for public comment: March 21, 2025  5:00 PM
Anticipated date of OTC approval: May 8, 2025

These proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.​

There are no recently closed rules in this chapter at this time.

These rule changes have been adopted approximately within the last six months.​

Update of ODOT's public records rule
Amended rule to reflect current public records processing procedures and applicable statutes.
Rule amended: 731-001-0025
Filed and effective: January 16, 2025
Administrative Order No.: DOT 1-2025​
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Nov. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Environmental Product Declarations
Due to the passage of HB 4139 (2022), ODOT established the requirement for Environmental Product Declarations which the agency will collect from contractors for its procurement of certain covered materials under certain contracts.
Rule amended: 731-005-0470
Rule adopted: 731-005-0910
Filed and effective: December 5, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DOT 8-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Oct. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Establishment of Small Business Development Program​​
Rules needed to implement small business development program, which ORS 184.906 required ODOT to establish.
Rules adopted: 731-065-0001, 731-065-0010, 731-065-0020, 731-065-0030, 731-065-0040, 731-065-0050, 731-065-0060, 731-065-0070​
Filed and effective: December 4, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DOT 7-2024
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Sept. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Multi Modal Federal Grant (temporary)
Establishes the process ODOT uses to accept Connect Oregon grant applications where the applicant intends to use funds as the required match for federal grants.
Rules amended: 731-035-0010, 731-035-0020, 731-035-0030, 731-035-0040, 731-035-0050, 731-035-0060, 731-035-0070
Rules adopted: 731-035-0110, 731-035-0120, 731-035-0130, 731-035-0140, 731-035-0150, 731-035-0160, 731-035-0170, 731-035-0180
Filed and effective: December 4, 2024 - June 1, 2025
Administrative Order No.: DOT 5-2024

Amended, repealed, added new rules related to toll operations, project initiation, project authorization, and rates.​
Rules amended: ​731-040-0010, 731-040-0020, 731-040-0030, 731-040-0050, 731-040-0056
Rules adopted: 731-040-0031, 731-040-0039, 731-040-0041, 731-040-0051, 731-040-0061, 731-040-0065, 731-040-0075
Rules repealed: 731-040-0052, 731-040-0053, 731-040-0054, 731-040-0055, 731-040-0057, 731-040-0058, 731-040-0059
Filed: December 4, 2024
Effective: December 5, 2024
Administrative Order No.: DOT 6-2024
The comment period closed at 12:00 AM on Oct. 3, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.​​

​​PUBLISHED ODOT RULES can be found on the Secretary of State's website: Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 731.​

​These proposed rule changes are open for public comment. Send any written comments to the staff member listed as the contact on the notice​.

​There are no proposed Public Transportation rules for public comment at this time.

These proposals are no longer open for public comment. The Oregon Transportation Commission will consider these proposed rule changes on the meeting date listed with each rule set.

There are no recently closed Public Transportation rules at this time.

These rule changes have been adopted approximately within the last six months.

Statewide Transportation Impr​ovement Fund
Allows the use of unspent and reserve funding by Qualified Entities at the end of a plan cycle instead of waiting for the next plan cycle.
Rule amended: 732-042-0005
Rule adopted: 732-042-0045
Filed and effective:​ October 10, 2024​
Administrative Order No.: PTD 3-2024​
The comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Sept. 21, 2024. For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking​, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

PUBLISHED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION RULES​ can be found on the Secretary of State's website:​​​. Under Browse by Chapter, select chapter 732.​​​​

Contact Us

Winnie Dawn
Administrative Rules Coordinator
355 Capitol Street NE, MS 11
Salem OR 97301

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