17 voting members:
- 1 tribal council;
- 3 county commissioners (one from each county);
- 1 City of Salem;
- 1 City of Keizer;
- 5 small cities (selected by highway corridor);
- 1 Yamhill County Transit District;
- 1 transit district;
- 3 private sector (each county selects one);
- 1 ODOT area manager.
- State legislators;
- Representatives from adjacent ACTs and Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
When First Thursday of every month as needed, currently falling on odd numbered months.
- March 6 (first meeting of the year)
- April 3
- June 5
- August 7
- October 2
- December 4
Where Hybrid format, via Zoom, and in-person at the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Goverments (MWVCOG) offices in downtown Salem:
100 High St. SE, Suite 200
Salem, OR 97301
Agendas and Meeting Summaries
Leadership and Work Program
LeadershipChair and Vice-Chair elected annually; Steering Committee selected from membership makes work plan recommendations.
ACT staffed by ODOT; ODOT contracts with Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments for technical advisory committee staffing and special research and planning projects.
Work Program
- Advise OTC on STIP;
- Prioritize STIP projects;
- Conduct highway safety study;
- Hear presentations on issues and developments on all modes of transportation.