30 voting members:
- 13 city officials;
- 2 tribal government members* (Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians and Coquille Tribe);
- 2 county commissioners (1 each from Jackson and Josephine counties);
- 2 Metropolitan Planning Organization members;
- 1 Rogue Valley Transportation District member;
- 1 Rogue Valley International Airport member;
- 1 Oregon Department of Transportation member;
- 1 rail system member;
- 1 bicycle/pedestrian member;
- 1 trucking member;
- 6 citizen-at-large members (3 each from Jackson and Josephine counties).
- Oregon Transportation Commissioners, state legislators, and local congressional aides;
- Regional Solutions Team;
- State and federal agencies such as US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Land Conservation and Development, Department of Aviation, etc.;
- Tribal governments* (Klamath Indian Tribe, Confederated Tribes of Siletz and Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde)
- City and county road district or departments;
- Regional groups with an interest in transportation issues.
*Federally recognized Tribal Governments, as noted in ORS 172.110, with Trust-holdings or historic lands in the RVACT area were invited to participate as voting members, but some chose to participate as ex officio members.
When Second Tuesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November), from 9-11:30 AM
Where Jackson County Parks Auditorium (Central Point) or Grants Pass City Council Chambers*
*Meetings are held in person and via Zoom. Please check the agenda before each meeting for the Zoom address.