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Lane Area Commission on Transportation


28 - 30 voting members:
  • 1 Lane County commissioner
  • 12 incorporated cities (one representative from each city)
  • 1 Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
  • 1 Port of Siuslaw
  • 1 Lane Transit District
  • 1 Oregon Department of Transportation Area 5 manager
  • 1 Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization, or MPO
  • 1 Lane County Transportation Advisory Committee
  • 1 Highway 126 East
  • 4 designated special interest representatives (freight, rail, bicycle and pedestrian, environmental and land use)
  • 4 - 6 other (undesignated) special interest representatives 
Ex-Officio (non-voting) members:
  • ODOT area managers for areas adjacent to Lane County (Region 2 Area 5)
  • Oregon Transportation Commissioners
  • Regional Solutions Team (South Valley representative)
  • State legislators
  • Members of Congress representing Lane County
When: Second Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
Where: In-person meetings are held at ODOT offices in Springfield. Some meetings are conducted virtually over the intenet using videoconference software (Zoom). 
Refer to meeting agenda to confirm meeting time and format.
Time is provided at the beginning of each meeting for public comments.

Leadership and Work Program

The LaneACT elects a Chair and Vice Chair to serve one-year terms. 
Staff Support
ODOT provides staff support to the LaneACT.   

Work Plan 
Area Commissions on Transportation provide a venue for local elected officials and others to discuss regional transportation issues. They also provide input to the Oregon Transportation Commission to inform their decisions on select topics, when requested. The LaneACT prepares and updates a two-year work plan, approved by the OTC, to direct their activities.

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LaneACT Chair
Jennifer Yeh
City of Eugene - City Councilor
LaneACT Vice Chair 
Jameson Auten 
Lane Transit District - Chief Executive Officer
LaneACT Staff Contact 
Anais Mathez
2080 Laura Street  
Springfield, OR 97477 
Phone: 503-946-9365 x227
ODOT Contacts 
Vidal T. Francis  
2080 Laura Street  
Springfield, OR 97477

Bill Johnston
2080 Laura Street 
Springfield, OR 97477 