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Statewide Policy Plans

Oregon Transportation Plan

The Oregon Transportation Plan, or OTP, is the long-range transportation system plan for the state. It establishes a vision and policy foundation to guide transportation system development and investment. The OTP and its mode and topic plans below guide decisions by the Oregon Department of Transportation and other transportation agencies statewide and is reflected in the policies and decisions explained in local and regional plans. See the diagram at right for how OTP guidance flows all the way down through investment implementation.

The current Oregon Transportation Plan was adopted July 13, 2023.

Modal and Topic Plans

Mode and topic plans are statewide plans that are part of the OTP. These plans refine and apply OTP policy to specific modes or topics and guide state, regional, and local investment decisions for the parts of the transportation system that they address.

The OTP and all its parts are in service of a high quality of life for Oregon and a successful economy, so plan contents are often related but have a different focus for each mode or topic. Using OR-Plan you can search through all the statewide transportation plans together to see specific policies in a plan or related policies and strategies throughout the plans: OR-Plan: Exploring Oregon's Transportation Policies.


​About the Plan

The Oregon Transportation Plan will guide our transportation system for the next 20 years. The plan was last updated in 2023 and adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 13, 2023. See the plan documents below.

Since adoption of the updated OTP in 2023, ODOT has been at work implementing the plan. To learn more, a new OTP Fact Sheet is available, plus check out the Plan Implementation Progress section below. Click anywhere in this box to view the OTP Fact Sheet.

​Statewide Transportation Strategy

The Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions is a state-level scenario planning effort that examines all aspects of the transportation system, including the movement of people and goods, and identifies a combination of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.​

Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy​

Plan Implementation Progress

ODOT has initiated steps to implement the OTP and track progress towards meeting the plan's goals and Key Performance Targets set for Safety, Equity, and Climate to achieve by 2050.  

In 2024, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved the 2024-28 Strategic Action Plan as the short-term implementation element of the OTP.  The Strategic Action Plan is a roadmap that directs ODOT to accelerate change toward specific outcomes that align with the six goals of the OTP and address some of Oregon's most significant transportation challenges. Click here to access the 2024-28 Strategic Action Plan.

 ODOT has launched the State of the System​ dashboard website. This site is designed to describe the current state of ODOT's system and how the movement of people and goods are impacted. It is intended to bring better transparency into the organization and how it operates. The site is updated regularly to show our progress in advancing the Goals, Policies, and Strategies of the OTP, as well as tracking the outcome areas of our Strategic Action Plan.

Plan Development

To engage communities in updating Oregon's long-range transportation plan, the Oregon Department of Transportation hit the road to film interviews with people around the state. The film team set out to capture an array of voices, explore how transportation shapes our lives and communities and highlight the deeper, personal meaning behind movement. The resulting video series shows diverse transportation experiences and needs, sparking conversation about how we can create a system that connects and moves all of us for generations to come.  Visit the Statewide Stories​ page to learn more.

The Oregon Department of Transportation is updating the Transportation Safety Action Plan to create a safer transportation system for everyone. This plan will guide decisions and investments to reduce crashes and eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Oregon’s roads.

See the TSAP project page​ for further information.

2021 Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan​​
TSAP Implementation Plan​

Oregon Highway Plan Update

​The Oregon Highway Plan functions as a strategic element under the guiding aspect of the Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP). The Oregon Highway Plan update will develop a new OHP and help implement the 2023 OTP.

​ The Oregon Highway Plan must:

  • Provide a long-range vision for the state highway system that aligns with the updated Oregon Transportation Plan​
  • Understand the system's multiple users and their needs, and articulate the multi-modal nature of the state highway system
  • Provide a framework for prioritizing investments statewide and regionally on the state highway system
  • Inform tactical-level planning and management objectives for the state highway system
  • Establish an approach for implementing the vision, goals, policies, and strategies developed in the plan​

See the OHP Update project website​ for further information.

​1999 Oregon Highway Plan

The 1999 Oregon Highway Plan, or OHP, establishes long-range policies and investment strategies for the State Highway System. The Oregon Transportation Commission, or OTC, adopted the Highway Plan on March 18, 1999. The document has been updated through many technical and policy amendments since its adoption.

Current Oregon Highway Plan
OHP Goal 6 Tolling Update (2023)​
OHP Appendix D​
OHP Appendix I​
Highway Plan Amendments Registry​​​
Jurisdictional Transfers​
Tolling Program Hearing​ information page​

The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is a statewide policy plan and serves as an element of the Oregon Transportation Plan, or OTP, which covers all modes of transportation in the state of Oregon. The plan supports decision-making for walking and biking investments, strategies and programs that can help bring an interconnected, robust, efficient and safe transportation system for Oregon. The plan guides the state through efforts such as prioritizing projects, developing design guidance, collecting important data and other activities that support walking and biking in Oregon.

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan - Executive Summary
Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Work Program

In its continued commitment to making biking and walking safer, more accessible, and more efficient, ODOT has identified a number of action items from the recently adopted 2016 Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan that can be implemented within the next five years. This document summarizes those actions and lays out ODOT’s approach.

Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Work Program

2023 Oregon Freight Plan Amendment

The purpose of the Oregon Freight Plan, or OFP, is to improve freight connections to local, state, tribal, regional, national and international markets with the goal of increasing trade-related jobs and income for Oregon workers and businesses. The OFP is a resource designed to guide freight-related operation, maintenance and investment decisions. The OFP, originally released in 2011, was first amended in 2017 to maintain compliance with federal requirements that came from the FAST Act for state freight plans, and further amended in 2023 to update data and maintain alignment with other statewide planning documents and to be compliant with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) . These plans are required to be updated on a 4 year basis, with the next update due in 2027. See Guidance on State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees for more information on the federal context for this effort. ​

2023 Oregon Freight Plan​

Oregon Freight Plan Implementation Work Program​

Commercial Truck Parking Study

​This study concluded as of July 31, 2020

Nationwide, truck drivers often can't find safe parking when they need to rest.  This is especially true in Oregon where rest areas already experience heavy demand, which is expected to worsen over time.  Public rest areas are intended for short-term safety breaks but are increasingly used for long-term parking. Private truck stops are also experiencing capacity shortfalls. Winter weather, safety regulations, and other factors contribute to this rising demand and recent studies have shown that factors related to weather and fatigue tend to increase the severity of injuries in crashes involving trucks.

Truck parking shortages and limits on stays in public rest areas may be forcing truck drivers to park in unsafe locations such as access ramps and roadway shoulders. Drivers may also be forced to travel longer distances without taking needed breaks.

Federal law (Jason's Law) requires an inventory and assessment of existing truck parking facilities in every state.

This study addressed the following:

  1. Truck parking issues within seven key freight corridors. 
  2. Capacity, safety, and convenience for truck drivers and determined where additional truck parking is needed. 
  3. Prioritized projects that allow ODOT to better plan future parking infrastructure that will better serve the trucking industry while supporting Oregon's overall economy.​​

Oregon Commercial Truck Parking Study Final Report​

The Oregon Public Transportation Plan, or OPTP, is the statewide mode plan for all forms of public transportation and is an element of the Oregon Transportation Plan. The OPTP establishes a statewide vision for the public transportation system, with goals, policies, and strategies to point the way towards achieving that vision.  This plan will guide and inform public transportation investment decisions by the state, transit service providers, and local government agencies.​

OPTP Executive Summary

Oregon Public Transportation Plan​

OPTP Volume 2: Interim Products Informing OPTP Development​

OPTP Implementation Work Program​

The purpose of the Oregon Transportation Options Plan is to establish a vision and policy guidance that supports and advances transportation options program activities and suggests ways to integrate transportation options into transportation planning and investments. The plan also supports transportation options program activities and integration with capital investment planning at the local and regional level.

Oregon Transportation Options Plan - Executive Summary
Oregon Transportation Options Plan
Oregon Transportation Options Plan Regional Translation Guidance: Planning Edition
Transportation Options Program

The Oregon State Rail Plan (OSRP) explores the issues affecting the state's rail freight and passenger system over 25 years. It assesses both public and private transportation facilities and services at the state, regional and local level.  Here are document links to the current Oregon State Rail Plan:

Oregon State Rail Plan - Implementation Plan (2023)​​
Oregon State Rail Plan - Executive Summary
Oregon State Rail Plan

​​A major update to the plan is currently in progress.  Once the update is complete, the new plan document will be posted.  If you are interested in learning more about the OSRP update, please visit the project page.​

​The Oregon Aviation Plan is a comprehensive evaluation of Oregon's aviation system and will serve as a guide for future aviation development. The plan looks beyond the traditional state aviation system planning elements by combining three planning studies that assess the condition of the existing aviation infrastructure, the economic benefit of the aviation industry, and the national importance and state significance of each airport.

​Unlike the plans above, this is not adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission. It may be a part of the Commission’s and ODOT’s work but not adopted as part of the OTP, or it may be adopted by other commissions or boards.​

Oregon Aviation Plan Website​


Email Michael Rock
Transportation Planning Unit Manager

The Oregon Transportation Plan informs topic and mode plans, which in turn informs local/regional plans, which guide priority program projects and funding identification leading to implementation.