About the Plan
The Oregon Transportation Plan will guide our transportation system for the next 20 years. The plan was last updated in 2023 and adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission on July 13, 2023. See the plan documents below.
Since adoption of the updated OTP in 2023, ODOT has been at work implementing the plan. To learn more, a new
OTP Fact Sheet is available, plus check out the Plan Implementation Progress section below. Click anywhere in this box to view the OTP Fact Sheet.
Statewide Transportation Strategy
The Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions is a state-level scenario planning effort that examines all aspects of the transportation system, including the movement of people and goods, and identifies a combination of strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy
Plan Implementation Progress
ODOT has initiated steps to implement the OTP and track progress towards meeting the plan's goals and Key Performance Targets set for Safety, Equity, and Climate to achieve by 2050.
In 2024, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved the 2024-28 Strategic Action Plan as the short-term implementation element of the OTP. The Strategic Action Plan is a roadmap that directs ODOT to accelerate change toward specific outcomes that align with the six goals of the OTP and address some of Oregon's most significant transportation challenges. Click here to access the 2024-28 Strategic Action Plan.
ODOT has launched the
State of the System dashboard website. This site is designed to describe the current state of ODOT's system and how the movement of people and goods are impacted. It is intended to bring better transparency into the organization and how it operates. The site is updated regularly to show our progress in advancing the Goals, Policies, and Strategies of the OTP, as well as tracking the outcome areas of our Strategic Action Plan.
Plan Development
To engage communities in updating Oregon's long-range transportation plan, the Oregon Department of Transportation hit the road to film interviews with people around the state. The film team set out to capture an array of voices, explore how transportation shapes our lives and communities and highlight the deeper, personal meaning behind movement. The resulting video series shows diverse transportation experiences and needs, sparking conversation about how we can create a system that connects and moves all of us for generations to come. Visit the
Statewide Stories page to learn more.