Oregon State Rail Plan
The Oregon State Rail Plan explores issues affecting the state's rail freight and passenger system. It assesses both public and private transportation at the state, regional and local level.
The 2015 Oregon Transportation Options Plan is one of several statewide transportation mode and topic plans that further refine and implement the Oregon Transportation Plan's, or OTP, goals, policies, strategies, and key initiatives.
ODOT completed an update to the Oregon Public Transportation Plan (OPTP) in 2019. The OPTP is one of several statewide transportation mode and topic plans that refine, apply, and implement the OTP.
Oregon's 2024 State Rail Plan Update
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Get Involved
Over the next 12 months ODOT and our consultant team will complete a number of studies that evaluate freight and passenger rail service in Oregon. There will be several opportunities for the public to participate at critical milestones of the OSRP Update process. These opportunities include online surveys, two open house virtual meetings and a public hearing prior to the plan's adoption by the Oregon Transportation Commission.

You can also follow Oregon's Rail Advisory Committee here.
ODOT regularly collaborates with many private and public partners through the Rail Advisory Committee (RAC).
This web-page will be updated regularly. Please check back for future Draft Plan updates and opportunities to participate.
Have a question about the OSRP? Contact Adam Argo, OSRP Project Manager, Adam.ARGO@odot.oregon.gov or
Ray Drake, OSRP Deputy Project Manager, ray.f.drake@odot.oregon.gov
For questions about the RAC and/or Intercity Passenger Rail, contact Kathy Holmes, Intercity Passenger Rail Program Manager, Kathy.C.HOLMES@odot.oregon.gov
For questions about freight rail in Oregon, contact Bob Melbo, State Rail Planner, Robert.I.MELBO@odot.oregon.gov