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Transportation Resources for Car-Free Travel in Oregon

Trip Planner

Plan a trip on most of Oregon's public transportation services using Google Maps trip planner.


  • ​Enter your starting and ending addresses and the date and time of your trip.
  • Click the GET DIRECTIONS Button.
  • You will be redirected to the Google Maps website with options for your trip.

For more help with this tool, watch this video: How to Use Google Maps

  • ​Enter your starting and ending addresses and the date and time you of your trip
  • Click the GET DIRECTIONS button.
  • After you are redirected to the Google Maps website, click the small biking or walking figure icon above your trip's start and end points to see route options.

Oregon's ride-matching tool:

Get There

An easy and free way to find someone to share a ride with in Oregon. Log on to go through the matching process. It’s secure and confidential.

Find an existing vanpool to join or start your own through the following websites:

Enterprise Rideshare
Valley VanPool



Links to ODOT-Supported Services

Link to Get There, Oregon's carpool tool and trip planner.
Click to go to POINT bus system homepage Click to go to Amtrak Cascades homepageClick to see a map of Park and Rides in Oregon

Trip Planning Resources

Search the comprehensive transit and taxi provider list to find services in your area. Included is a list of brokerages that operate in Oregon for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, or NEMT. Take advantage of our Transportation Options provider list that offers transportation options in every part of the state.

Transportation Options Providers