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Public Transportation Committees

 Committee meeting listening to person speaking at podium

Advisory Committees advise on and approve certain actions and policies that guide the Public Transportation Division's work. Partnership Committees collaborate with Oregon Department of Transportation to meet common goals regarding rail and public transportation in Oregon.

Advisory Committees

Oregon Transportation Commission 

The Oregon Transportation Commission approves ODOT Public Transportation Division operations and budget of ODOT. The commission establishes certain transit policies, including those for grant programs and some discretionary funding decisions. The five-member commission is appointed by the governor and holds monthly public meetings.

Public Transportation Advisory Committee 

The Public Transportation Advisory Committee provides advice to the Public Transportation Division and Oregon Transportation Commission on transit policies and programs. The committee serves as a forum for discussing and identifying issues and solutions in public transportation.

Rail Advisory Committee

The Rail Advisory Committee provides advice to the Public Transportation Division and Oregon Transportation Commission on issues that affect rail freight and passenger facilities and passenger services in Oregon. This includes ConnectOregon rail project selection.

Learn more at the Rail Advisory Committee website.


Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Rules Advisory Committee

Section 122 of Oregon House Bill 2017, passed into law in 2017, establishes a new dedicated source of funding for expanding public transportation service in Oregon. This new funding source is called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund, or STIF. The STIF Rules Advisory Committee will advise the Oregon Transportation Commission on implementing the STIF.


Area Commissions on Transportation 

Area Commissions on Transportation involve local citizens in ODOT's decision-making process. They address all aspects of the state's transportation system and  play a key role in developing the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, which identifies funding and scheduling for transportation projects. Commission members are invited, and at least 50 percent of members are elected officials from the local area. Twelve commissions, each with a geographical community of interest, hold monthly public meetings across the state.

Partnership Committees


Oregon Transit Association  

The Oregon Transit Association is a membership-based nonprofit association that works to help members develop and improve efficient and safe transportation services in Oregon. The association promotes legislative goals, provides professional development opportunities, initiates transit research, and supports other activities that benefit the state's transportation providers. Membership is open to individuals, transit districts, for-profit providers, vendors, businesses, cities, and counties. Member meetings normally occur every other month.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations 

Congress created Metropolitan Planning Organizations in urban areas to ensure that federally-funded transportation projects are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive planning process. There are nine federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Oregon. 
Among other planning responsibilities, Metropolitan Planning Organizations develop Unified Planning Work Programs, statements of work that identifies the planning priorities and activities (including public transit) of an  area. ODOT Public Transit Section Regional Transit Coordinators participate in the annual review of the Unified Planning Work Program and provide technical assistance on identified public transportation tasks. Committee meetings occur regularly and are open to the public.

Transportation Options Group of Oregon  

The Transportation Options Group of Oregon is a membership-based association of professionals and advocates that collaborate to promote transportation alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle. The association communicates a vision for transportation options to Oregon policy makers and holds quarterly public meetings.

Local Advisory Committees

You can participate in the advisory committees of your local transit district, city, and county. Visit their websites to learn more about opportunities for involvement.