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Transportation Safety Action Plan

The Oregon Department of Transportation is updating the Transportation Safety Action Plan to create a safer transportation system for everyone. This plan will guide decisions and investments to reduce crashes and eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on Oregon’s roads.

The number of fatal and serious injury crashes on Oregon roads has risen in recent years; and statewide, all types of crashes have increased. The update to the Transportation Safety Action Plan is an opportunity to guide our decisions and shape a statewide transportation system so that every traveler is able to get to their destination safely.

The Transportation Safety Action Plan outlines how to improve roadway safety for all users, on all roads, across all agencies. The plan’s goal is to create a transportation system where everyone can travel safely, whether they drive, walk, roll, bike, or take public transportation.

The current 2021 Oregon TSAP is available online and includes an Implementation Work Program to track near-term actions, assign responsibilities, and measure results.

By law, ODOT must update the Transportation Safety Action Plan every five years. The current plan, approved in 2021, focuses on safety improvements through 2026. The updated plan will cover 2026-2030 and include four objectives:

  • Analyze safety data to identify trends and solutions for all public roads and users, including vulnerable users like pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Evaluate progress toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Identify actions based on input from partner feedback and data trends that will be implemented in the next five-years
  • Establish goals and policies to guide future safety decisions and investments.​

Every year, hundreds of people die and thousands more suffer life-changing injuries on Oregon's roads. These tragedies affect families, communities, and the entire state. The Transportation Safety Action Plan provides a roadmap to make our transportation system safer by working with:

  • Local, state and regional agencies, and Tribal governments.
  • Traffic engineers and planners who design Oregon's transportation system.
  • Law enforcement agencies.
  • Public health experts and safety advocates.
  • Businesses, educators, and emergency responders.
  • You, the traveling public.

Together, we can eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries in Oregon.​

Vulnerable road users include people walking, biking, or using personal conveyances like scooters. These users face a higher risk of injury in crashes.

The 2026 Transportation Safety Action Plan will update Oregon's Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment, which analyzes:

  • Crash trends for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • High-risk areas and contributing factors.
  • Strategies to reduce crashes and protect vulnerable users.

To learn more, view the 2023 Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment and explore the interactive web mapping tool (under left nav column Projects and Scoping) ​​to see risk areas across Oregon.​

The Transportation Safety Action Plan update begins in early 2025 and will be completed by October 2026. A project schedule will be added here once available.​

We want your input! Here's how you can stay connected:

  • Sign up for updates: Subscribe to email updates for news about the Transportation Safety Action Plan.
  • Ask a question: Contact us at
  • Participate: Watch for public engagement opportunities and share your feedback.​
By working together, we can make Oregon's roads safer for everyone.


Mary McGowan
Transportation Planner, Project Manager
ODOT Transportation Planning

Walt McAllister
Safe Communities Program Analyst
DMV - Transportation Safety Office

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