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Statewide Policy Plan Implementation

 Plan implementation puts state and agency policy and goals into action through tangible activities by ODOT and its partners in every part of the state. The statewide transportation plans are for the whole state and they are implemented by ODOT and its partners, especially local and regional governments in their own transportation plans.

See your city, county, metropolitan area, or tribe websites and transportation plans to find local transportation planning and implementation activities.  Get involved when your local government updates its plans, when statewide plans are updated, or when investments are selected for your local capital improvement program and for the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) via your Area Commission on Transportation and ODOT outreach. 

Implementation is a late stage of the planning and project delivery process. The diagram below shows how planning goes from the highest executive and legislative direction phase all the way through implementation and then monitoring results. Public and partner involvement is crucial to all the steps. Following ODOT's STORM perspective:

  • Broad plans and guidance set Strategic context;
  • More focused Tactical activities at state and local levels identify potential solutions and funding;
  • The delivery and maintenance of selected projects is at the most detailed Operational level; and
  • Reporting and Monitoring follows and, in turn, informs all the steps above in the next cycle.

At the top level, federal requirements and state laws and goals set the context for what to consider in meeting the transportation needs of the state. The Oregon Transportation Plan with its mode and topic plans sets direction and policy as the state's long-range multimodal plan. At the next level are regional and local long-range system plans and capital improvement plans. This represents enacting policies and programs, implementing solutions, and building projects as a collaboration by ODOT, cities, counties, tribes, and others. Reporting and monitoring on how these solutions meet goals and targets takes place at all levels and informs further activities and plan updates. 


Email Lucia Ramirez
Principal Planner
Policy, Data and Analysis Division

Email Michael Rock
Transportation Planning Unit Manager
Policy, Data and Analysis Division

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Strategic Action Plan Outcomes

Key Performance Measures

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