The VisionEval strategic planning model is used to forecast the long term effects of policies and other influences (e.g. pricing policies, vehicle changes) on the amount of vehicle travel, the types of vehicles and fuels used, energy consumption for vehicle travel and resulting greenhouse gas emissions. VisionEval is useful in early planning stages to estimate first order effects and identify unintended consequences at a regional level, when there are a lot of unknowns. Its programmatic view of investments and policies complements the project-level detail of regional travel models.
VisionEval includes both a statewide (VE-State) and a metropolitan (VE-RSPM) versions used in Oregon. The statewide version has been used for policy applications ranging from state modal plans including the 2022 Oregon Transportation Plan update, the Statewide Transportation Strategy for GHG reduction, and other modal plans, such as quick evaluations in the Oregon Transportation Options Plan and the Oregon Public Transportation Plan. The metropolitan version of the model has been implemented in various Oregon communities and used in scenario planning efforts.
VisionEval is uniquely able to model transportation GHG emissions at a strategic level. It was used to create the state's mitigation roadmap, and continues to be used to help monitor progress towards Oregon's legislatively mandated GHG reduction goals. A GHG Modeling Overview document provides a high-level summary of various GHG analysis tools, including VisionEval. This overview was developed by the Oregon Modeling Steering Committee GHG subcommittee that continues to provide guidance on enhancing Oregon's GHG data and analysis capabilities.
VisionEval's novel model approach and its use in Oregon has garnered the following awards:
- 2021 Zephyr Exceptional Technical Achievement Award - VisionEval Open Source models
- 2015 FHWA Environmental Excellence Award - CAMPO Strategic Assessment Report
- 2013 AASHTO President's Transportation Award for Planning - ODOT Statewide Transportation Strategy
- 2010 AASHTO President's Transportation Award for Planning - GreenSTEP model development
VisionEval is an open source common framework building on the successful GreenSTEP family of strategic planning tools. A partnership with ODOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and others merged the related tools into a common open source framework called VisionEval, which makes it easier to share updates and collaborate on using the tool to support performance-based planning efforts across the country. As developer of the original GreenSTEP model from which VisionEval was derived, ODOT is a key partner in the FHWA-hosted VisionEval Pooled Fund that maintains, updates and shepherds the VisionEval model. These models have also been adapted for use by other states in the form of the FHWA's Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool. Portions of the model became the underlying basis of the SHRP2 C16 Rapid Policy Assessment Tool, or RPAT, formerly SmartGAP. A more detailed history of this family of tools can be found on the VisionEval website.
Email Tara Weidner
Telephone 503-986-4226