The Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP), along with the State’s modal system and topic facility plans, provides a framework for local governments and special districts to develop regional and local plans. The OTP policy objectives, developed in collaboration with statewide partners, work toward a shared vision of creating a safe and equitable transportation system for all ages and abilities. In accordance with ORS
OAR 660-030 and
OAR 660-031, the state coordinates with local governments and special districts to resolve issues of compliance with statewide planning.
Regional Planning
In Oregon, regional planning is primarily conducted by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) in urbanized areas. A Metropolitan Planning Organization is a transportation policy-making body made up of representatives from local government and transportation agencies with authority and responsibility to maintain the transportation system. Federal legislation passed in the early 1970s (23 USC 134) required the formation of a MPO for any urbanized area with a population greater than 50,000.
Regional Transportation Plans, or RTPs, developed by MPOs, sets out regional, long-range (20 years) transportation planning projects. It provides strategic direction for transportation improvements.
Oregon MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations) include:
The Oregon Department of Transportation is separated into five regions statewide. Find your region and current projects
here. Local Planning
Many counties and cities in Oregon must complete a local Transportation System Plan, or TSP, to communicate local needs and prioritize projects for state funding. Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 12, also known as the Transportation Planning Rule, provides further guidance on when and how to complete a TSP.
All state, regional, and local plans are required to be consistent with each other or be amended to be consistent. This ongoing coordination creates opportunities to correlate local, regional and statewide transportation needs for a functional and efficient system overall.
Funding Resources
Most local and regional planning is paid for locally, or with a mix of local, state and federal funds. Some examples of state funds which can be used to support local and regional planning are:
Planning Resources