The Community Services Division offers grants to empower local and tribal governments to improve planning. The grants can pay to update comprehensive plans, modernize land use ordinances, or augment other planning activities. The general fund grant program, administered by the community services division, is funded by the Oregon legislature. Changes to the grant program can arise based on changes in state priorities, the economy, and other factors. In general, the funding follows the state's two-year budget cycle and is part of DLCD's agency budget.
DLCD Grant Opportunities
The Technical Assistance (TA) grants are competitive awards to local communities that fund projects to update a comprehensive plan, to update local land use ordinances, or other planning compliance projects. The grants must align with the priorities provided in the Grant Allocation Plan.
The following links provide information and application materials for a TA grant:
Applications for a 2023-2025 Technical Assistance grant are due to DLCD by October 2, 2023.
DLCD will offer two optional information sessions to review TA Grant process and timeline. The information sessions will also include a question-and-answer period and information for TA Grant applicants regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Register now:
DLCD TA Grant Information Session 1: Monday, August 28th, 10:00 - 11:30am
DLCD TA Grant Information Session 2: Wednesday, September 6th, 1:00 - 2:30PM
Recording of DLCD TA Grant Information Session 1: Monday, August 28th
DLCD recommends the below equity and inclusion resources to help inform equity aspects of TA Grant applications. For local demographic information about priority populations in your planning area, please consult
Census Quickfacts.
In the past this grant program awards communities with funds to complete tasks associated with their
periodic review work program. However, with a reduction of funding in the department’s technical assistance grant program in 2009, the department and commission have not required any local governments to initiate a periodic review program since then. The department encourages local governments to voluntarily initiate periodic review, and will work with those local governments to provide resources to help with those efforts if funds are available. Contact a
DLCD Regional Representative for details about initiating a periodic review program and schedule/deadlines.