DLCD offers grants to empower local and tribal governments to improve planning. The grants can be used to update comprehensive plans, modernize land use ordinances, or augment other planning activities. The department has a variety of grant options for communities to consider. However, these grant programs are often tied to state (general fund) or federal budget allocations and may be periodically unavailable.
See the following information for a summary of the grant options available to local communities.
General Fund Grant Program
DLCD's General Fund grants are used primarily for Oregon communities' comprehensive planning and plan updates. The fund is divided into functional categories and made available for specific types of projects. The Grants Allocation Plan provides guidance on the grant application categories and the available funds for each category. The plan is developed by the
Grants Advisory Committee with assistance from DLCD staff. The plan is then approved by the Land Conservation and Development Commission at the beginning of each biennium. The general fund grants must be awarded and spent within the biennium the plan is approved.
The general fund grant program is managed by the Community Services Division. See the
Community Grants webpage and the
Grants Allocation Plan for more detailed information about the general fund grant program.
Oregon Coast Management Program (OCMP) - Coastal Grants
The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) offers grant programs specific to Oregon's coastal zone. These grant programs may be provided through a variety of federal sources and offer funding for a range of projects from habitat acquisition and restoration for coastal resiliency to technical assistance to local communities and tribes for land use planning support.
Please see the list of available funding opportunities on the OCMP Coastal Grants webpage.
Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) - Planning Grants
TGM Planning Grants help local communities plan for transportation and land use needs that will increase transportation choices for Oregon residents and visitors. TGM awards two types of grants:
Category 1: Transportation System Planning to give Oregonians a range of transportation choices and meet the requirements of the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule.
Category 2: Integrated land use and transportation planning to promote compact, mixed-use development supported by improved pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and multi-modal street facilities.
TGM awards grants on an annual basis. Applications are usually due in June and awarded in August. See the
TGM Grants webpage for more information.