State agency budgets cover one biennium, or two fiscal years. A biennium runs from July 1 of an odd numbered year to June 30 of the next odd numbered year. (For example, July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019.) The budget development process has three major phases:
- Agency Request Budget
- Governor's Budget
- Legislatively Adopted Budget
Agency Request Budget
Agencies begin to develop their agency request budget (ARB) early in even-numbered years. In the ARB, agencies describe their core mission, objectives, and program priorities, along with budget information on past, current, and future biennia. The ARB reflects the agency’s policy agenda and the financial plan it would like the Governor to recommend to the legislature.
Governor's Budget
The Governor and the Chief Financial Office (CFO) review agency request and analyst recommended budgets to compile the Governor’s Budget. This budget reflects the Governor’s priorities and the policies set forth in statute, as well as any changes proposed by the Governor. This document is provided to the Legislature by December 1st of even-numbered years.
Legislatively Adopted Budget
The Governor's Budget is presented to the Legislature during the legislative session in odd-numbered years. Committees, typically the Joint Committee on Ways and Means or one of its sub committees, review each agency’s program and budget information. These committees hold public hearings to allow for input from all interested parties. Upon the conclusion of the legislative session, final agency budgets are adopted, thereby creating the Legislatively Adopted Budget (LAB).
Budget Documents