The work group developed a comprehensive set of recommendations aimed at addressing barriers to the development and expansion of child care facilities in Oregon. The matrix is included in the final report and provides detail for each recommendation, expanding on the description, possible actions, an outline of potential agencies needed for implementation and a check for whether the recommendation addresses barriers for urban or rural communities, equity considerations outlined in HB 2727, and if the recommendation would reduce barriers for co-locating child care with affordable housing, as required by the bill.
Some recommendations would require legislative action and/or funding, while others are actions that could occur at the local government level. The work group also provided specific recommendations for each of the five local jurisdictions that participated in the work group – Portland, Bend, Coos Bay, Benton County, and Clatsop County - included as an appendix in the final report.
The work group identified 11 of the 38 total recommendations as top priority:
1. Develop a comprehensive guide for local jurisdictions that includes:
- A model zoning code for child care development regulations.
- Best practices to streamline the permitting process for child care facilities.
- •Policies and programs local jurisdictions can choose to implement to incentivize and prioritize the development of child care facilities.
2. Develop and issue official guidance for cities and counties on implementing ORS 329A.440, which sets forth how local governments can apply land use regulations related to family child care homes and certified child care centers. This could occur as a stand-alone measure but would be required as an initial first step to complete priority recommendation #1.
3. Create and/or expand dedicated grant funding programs for child care facilities development.
4. Create positions for local or regional “navigators" to provide technical assistance to providers during the licensing and development process.
5. Establish a streamlined building permit process for in-home child care.
6. Permit child care centers by right in residential zones.
7. Develop a comprehensive guide translated into multiple languages for child care providers looking to establish or expand a child care facility.
8. Exempt certain types of site changes from triggering the Conditional Use Modification review.
9. Develop and issue official guidance for implementing ORS 215.283(2)(dd) (child care centers in resource zones) and ORS 215.448 (home occupations) to encourage a consistent approach to permitting rural child care facilities statewide.
10. Expedite permitting procedures and offer fee reductions for child care facilities.
11. Provide funding to local governments to translate materials and forms and provide technical interpretation services.