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Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities

The Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program aims to reduce climate pollution, provide more transportation and housing choices, and promote more equitable land use planning outcomes.

The program strengthens Oregon's transportation and housing planning in regions with populations over 50,000 people (Albany, Bend, Corvallis, Eugene/Springfield, Grants Pass, Medford/Ashland, Portland Metro, and Salem/Keizer).

Office Hours and Webinars

DLCD hosts office hours and webinars to assist local governments. To learn about upcoming office hours, subscribe to the e-mail list.

Walkable Design Standards 

The Walkable Design Standards Guidebook aims to help cities and counties update their development and zoning codes to ensure development supports people walking. It includes model code language communities may use to implement Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012-0330, which requires updates of land use regulations to improve urban design. The guidebook provides visual examples of various aspects of walkability and then provides corresponding development standards to achieve desired outcomes.

Local Support and Grants

DLCD is helping local governments implement the program through direct staff-to-staff assistance, advising, and guidance. The department is also providing direct funding or consultant assistance to many communities.

Alternative Dates and Exemptions

E-mail Updates 

Subscribe to email updates about this implementation work, including when resources are published, question and answer sessions, and more.

The Housing Connection

The CFEC program works closely with our housing programs.

Equity Resources

Rules Language

A printable version of the Transportation Planning Rules (TPR) can be found here for convenience only:  TPR 

Annual Reporting

Local governments are required to submit annual reports on their progress, due May 31 each year. Most years minor reports are due; some years major reports are due. 

Major reports received for the 2023 reporting year:

Minor reports received for the 2023 reporting year:

Climate-Friendly Areas 

A climate-friendly area is a mixed-use area with housing, jobs, businesses, and services located near one another. Climate-friendly areas allow residents, employees, and visitors to meet more of their daily needs with shorter and fewer driving trips.

Parking Reform Guidance and Assistance

Local Government Program Pages

As communities work on the climate-friendly and equitable communities program, many have set up program-specific web pages. Links:

Background and Program Basics

Oregon strives to meet statutory goals and policies to reduce climate pollution, including the roughly 36% of climate pollution that comes from transportation. Unfortunately, Oregon is off-track in our efforts to reduce how often and how far Oregonians have to drive to meet their daily needs.

To correct our course, the Land Conservation and Development Commission updated Oregon's Transportation Planning Rules and related administrative rules. After two years of extensive community engagement, the commission adopted the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program on July 21, 2022, and subsequently adopted corrections, clarifications, and adjustments.

In 2024, the Oregon Court of Appeals generally upheld the validity of the 89 rules. It ruled the commission has the authority to adopt these rules, except for one subsection within one rule. The court affirmed the commission followed the correct procedures, except for one subsection within one rule. 

More background on the rulemaking process.

To help communities implement this program, staff will post resources on this page as they are developed. ODOT's website has additional assistance resources.


Evan Manvel Climate Mitigation Planner
Phone: 971-375-5979

Cody Meyer Land Use and Transportation Planner
Phone: 971-239-9475