Every Mile Counts is a multi-agency partnership between Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and Department of Energy (DOE) to collaborate on actions to implement the
Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision For Greenhouse Gas Reduction to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation and bring Oregon closer to achieving the emission reduction goals.
Every Mile Counts Multi-Agency Work Plan
The four agencies worked together to develop the Every Mile Counts Work Plan for 2025-2027 to make progress toward the Strategy’s vision. The work plan focuses on objectives and priority actions that can benefit from collaborative relationships and programs already established among the agencies that support state and local emissions reduction goals.
The work plan focuses on reducing transportation GHG emissions and implementing the STS through the key objectives of reduce vehicle miles traveled, and cleaner vehicles and fuels. The four agencies are committed to undertaking the actions in the work plan in support of reducing statewide GHG emissions from transportation and to bring Oregon closer to achieving the emission reduction goals. This work complements existing agency emissions reduction efforts and because the STS is not enough to reach the goals, the four agencies recognize that more must be done.
Every Mile Counts Funding Handbook for Local Governments
Every Mile Counts agencies compiled this Funding Handbook for Local Governments to help connect Oregon's local governments with federal and state funding resources to help implement local climate and emissions reductions actions. The handbook contains details for numerous grant and funding programs including eligible entities, the amount funding available, what agency is providing it, and what time frames need to be minded.
EMC Funding Handbook for Local Governments
Understanding and Addressing Equity
ODOT, DEQ, DLCD and ODOE are committed to advancing equitable outcomes for communities in Oregon as part of the Every Mile Counts work to implement the Statewide Transportation Strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. To center equity in the Every Mile Counts work and provide agencies with a greater understanding of equity impacts, the agencies hosted a series of Equity Engagement Workshops to collectively gather input and guidance from equity and climate justice stakeholders around the state.
The purpose of the workshops was to listen and understand the needs and priorities of diverse communities, build upon past conversations and relationships between agencies and stakeholders, provide foundational information, and identify equity-focused principles and outcomes that can be applied to the Every Mile Counts actions.
To ensure the Every Mile Counts commitment to equity is realized, the partner-agencies used feedback gathered to develop a set of Equity Guiding Principles for the partnership. These guiding principles establish decision-making criteria for agencies to consider throughout implementation of Every Mile Counts actions to ensure meaningful progress is made toward achieving Oregon’s greenhouse gas reduction goals while also advancing social equity and environmental justice objectives
EMC Equity Workshop Summary Report
Equity Guiding Principles