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A rule "interprets or prescribes law or policy" for a state agency (ORS 183.310). State boards and commissions have the authority to write rules that clarify details and implementation of statutes or programs. 

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) must usually create or update rules whenever the legislature passes a land use planning statute. This ensures everyone understands the steps to achieve the legislature's intent. ORS 197.040 grants this authority to the LCDC. 

LCDC's rulemaking authority applies only to Oregon's 19 Statewide Land Use Planning Goals. The statute also outlines steps the commission must follow to allow public and interested party input. 

Once approved and filed with the Secretary of State, a rule is adopted and available on the Oregon Secretary of State’s Administrative Rules website.

To see planned rulemaking activities, review the DLCD Policy Agenda

Open for Public Review and Comment

Click here to submit a comment through an online form. If no rules appear in this section, there are no rules currently open for comment. This section contains draft rules under the Rulemaking Advisory Committee process, the formal Secretary of State process, and other community engagement efforts.

OAR 660-008-0045: 2025 Housing Capacity Analysis Schedule Update

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is considering adoption of amendments to the attachment in Oregon Administrative Rule 660-008-0045, that prescribe standards guiding the Housing Capacity Analysis process as provided in House Bill 2003 (2019). The proposed amendments would update the attachment in administrative rules located within an already-established division in OAR Chapter 660, division 008 – Interpretation of Goal 10 Housing. The proposed amendment would not alter the requirements of the Housing Capacity Analysis process, or materially change how local governments comply with the program requirements under House Bill 2003 (2019). The proposed amendments serve to update the Housing Capacity Analysis schedule to reflect recent local government adoptions of these planning documents. The Department of Land Conservation and Development (department or DLCD) recommends updates to the Housing Capacity Analysis Schedule attachment as an annual rulemaking task of LCDC. This ensures that local governments participate in the program using the most up to date information to guide local decision-making processes.  

DLCD is soliciting public comment regarding the proposed rule amendment. The proposed rule amendment provides a schedule update for cities with populations over 10,000, as well as Metro region counties and Tillamook County’s cities and urban unincorporated areas, to plan for their Housing Capacity Analysis and Production Strategies.  

LCDC is holding a public hearing for this rulemaking on March 20, 2025. LCDC is expected to adopt the amendment at the conclusion of this public hearing. Interested persons may provide verbal and written testimony to LCDC regarding the proposed rule amendment at the hearing and are encouraged to send written comments in advance of the hearing. Verbal and written testimony will be accepted until the close of the hearing. The hearing on this topic is scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. on March 20, 2025. This will be a hybrid meeting. The physical location of the meeting will be the Department of Land Conservation and Development, Basement Hearing Room, 635 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97301.   

Address written comments to the Chair of the Land Conservation and Development Commission, care of Casaria Taylor via email to or by mail to 635 Capitol St., Ste. 150, Salem, Oregon 97301. If you have questions about the proposed rule amendment, contact Ethan Stuckmayer at 503-302-0937, or email

To obtain copies of the proposed amended rules and related information by email, please contact Casaria Taylor by email  

The agenda for LCDC’s March 20, 2025, meeting is available on DLCD’s website at

OAR 660 (4, 6, 23, 33): Eastern Oregon Solar Siting Possibilities

​Improving access to renewable energy is important for the future of our state and our nation. Oregon is fortunate to have a reliable solar resource, which is even stronger on the east side of the Cascade Mountain Range. Advances in technology are allowing commercial photovoltaic solar facilities to deliver clean electricity to the grid at more affordable price points.​

What's Proposed

At its November 2, 2023, meeting, the Land Conservation and Development Commission directed Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff to begin rulemaking to carry out the requirements of Section 35, House Bill 3409. The commission's charge includes, among other things, guidance for consulting with Tribal Governments, establishing the RAC, and an expectation that revisions to OAR Chapter 660, Divisions 4, 6, 23, and 33 will be identified for review and amendment.

The best possible outcome of this rulemaking effort would include identifying sites that support development of photovoltaic solar projects that do not unnecessarily encroach upon other resources treasured by Oregonians. Areas of cultural significance and wildlife habitat, as well as important areas for commercial farming, ranching, and forest activities are a few examples of important resource values. The next step would be to encourage development of identified sites with projects that will help meet Oregon's clean energy goals.


The 2023 Oregon Legislative Assembly passed HB 3409. Section 35.(2) of this bill directs the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) to consider and adopt administrative rules for the purpose "Finding Opportunity and Reducing Conflict in Siting Photovoltaic Solar Power Generation Facilities." The bill focuses attention on Eastern Oregon, requires consideration of a variety of natural resource and community values, promotes coordination with Tribal, State, and Local governments, and requires the appointment of a diverse Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC).

Current Status

The comment period is open from November 1, 2024 – April 11, 2025. After the comment period is concluded and comments addressed, this proposed rule will be presented at a future meeting of the Land Conservation and Development Commission for a decision.

Public Comment Period

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Including Statement of Need & Fiscal Impact filed with the Secretary of State October 31, 2024 (tracked changes version)

A public comment period is open through Friday, April 11, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

A public hearing will take place at the Land Conservation and Development's March 20, 2025 meeting. The agenda for this meeting is available online.

A local Geographic Hearing was held March 13, 2025 at the Prineville City Council Chambers. Comments received at that hearing will be included in the March 20, 2025 LCDC materials. ​

Written comments may be submitted by:

  • Email:
  • Online form
  • Mail: Rules Coordinator, Department of Land Conservation & Development
    635 Capitol St., Ste. 150
    Salem, Oregon 97301

Rulemaking Advisory Committee

RAC Meeting #13

A RAC meeting is scheduled to be held on April 2, 2025

  • RAC Meeting #13 Materials (coming soon)
  • RAC Meeting #13 Livestream

RAC Meeting #12

A RAC meeting was held on February 20, 2025

RAC Meeting #11

A RAC meeting was held on January 9, 2025

RAC Meeting #10

A RAC meeting was held on December 18, 2024

RAC Meeting #9

A RAC meeting was held on December 5, 2024

RAC Meeting #8

A RAC meeting was held on November 13, 2024

  • RAC Meeting #8 Materials
  • RAC Meeting #8 Recording

RAC Meeting #7

A RAC meeting was held on November 5, 2024

RAC Meeting #6

A RAC meeting was held on October 1, 2024

RAC Meeting #5

A RAC meeting was held on August 28, 2024

RAC Meeting #4

A RAC meeting was held on July 17, 2024

RAC Meeting #3

A RAC meeting was held on May 30, 2024

RAC Meeting #2

A RAC meeting was held on April 18, 2024

RAC Meeting #1

A RAC meeting was held on March 12, 2024

RAC Meeting #1 Recording

Proposed Rules

OAR 660-023: Goal 5 Cultural Areas


Cultural areas are a Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 5 resource category that, until December 2024, lacked an implementing rule in Oregon Administrative Rules chapter 660, division 23 (division 23).  Division 23 is a set of rules for implementing Goal 5. Division 23 was adopted in 1996 with an intention to add a rule for cultural areas later. Nearly thirty years later, cooperation with tribes, local government representatives, and other advisory committee members, DLCD staff drafted a rule to guide identification, assessment, and protection strategies for these important resources for current and future Oregonians.

The rule defines cultural areas as archaeological sites and landscape features of cultural interest.

As defined in state law, an archaeological site is a place where archaeological objects are located and preserved so that the contextual associations of the objects with each other or organic remains and geological deposits can inform our understanding of the site's origin.   

Landscape features of cultural interests are known to tribes and culturally identified groups. For tribes, these may include sites: integral to a tribe's history, legends, traditions, and stories; traditionally used for wayfinding; traditionally used for gathering first foods and materials; integral to ongoing tribal cultural practices; traditional trails. For other culturally identified groups they include sites that are important to the history and experience of that group.

Upon receipt of an application to add a landscape features of cultural significance to a local inventory, local governments will hold a public process to evaluate and decide for which sites local protection measures will be applied.

DLCD staff have identified several discrete refinements to recommend the Land Conservation and Development Commission (commission) consider at their March 2025 meeting. These pertain to who can bring an application forth to amend a comprehensive plan to place a culturally significant landscape feature on a local inventory, and how local governments should process this type of application. A third area of clarification pertains to Metro's urban growth boundary expansion process.

For information on the 2024 rulemaking please see the previous rulemaking webpage.

Current status

In anticipation of potential revisions to OAR 660-023-0210, DLCD has not filed the rules with the Secretary of State. The rule language reviewed by LCDC, including technical fixes incorporated during the meeting are available on the December 5-6, 2024 LCDC Meeting webpage. See Item 6 - Goal 5 Cultural Resources Rulemaking Decision. For information on this rulemaking contact Amanda Punton, or 971-718-3245. To receive email notices about this rulemaking project, please sign up here.

RAC information

If the commission reopens the rulemaking at the March meeting, members of the rulemaking advisory committee (RAC) for the 2024 rulemaking that resulted in adoption of OAR 660-023-0210 will be invited to serve on the RAC for this rulemaking with the addition of a representative of Metro's regional government.

RAC meeting schedule: to be determined.

OAR 660-033-0130: Regarding farm stands in exclusive farm use zones and agri-tourism


Land in exclusive farm use zones is mainly for farming, with only certain other uses allowed by law. One permitted use is a farm stand that sells locally grown crops or livestock. The stand can also sell some related retail items and host events to promote its products. However, income from events and retail sales cannot exceed 25% of the farm stand's total earnings. Every county in Oregon must allow farm stands under these rules and cannot impose stricter limits.

The existing statutes for farm stands are ORS 215.213(1)(r)/215.283(1)(o): “…the following uses may be established in any area zoned for exclusive farm use: …Farm stands if:  (A) The structures are designed and used for the sale of farm crops or livestock grown on the farm operation, or grown on the farm operation and other farm operations in the local agricultural area, including the sale of retail incidental items and fee-based activity to promote the sale of farm crops or livestock sold at the farm stand if the annual sale of incidental items and fees from promotional activity do not make up more than 25 percent of the total annual sales of the farm stand; and (B) The farm stand does not include structures designed for occupancy as a residence or for activity other than the sale of farm crops or livestock and does not include structures for banquets, public gatherings or public entertainment."

The Phase 1 Farm Stand Rulemaking will explore five topics identified by the 2025 legislative agri-tourism work group:

  • Primary Use Test
  • Promotional Activities Outside and Inside Farm Stand Structures
  • Activities that Promote Sale of Farm Products, the Farm Operation Itself, or Agriculture
  • Prepared Foods with a Direct Tie to the Farm Operation or the Local Agricultural Area
  • Impacts on Neighboring Farms
While the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) has the authority to interpret and clarify the statutory provisions copied above in order to help answer some of these questions, it cannot revise the standards established by the legislature.  A rulemaking on this topic will consider needed clarifications to the farm stand statutes.   
Following adoption of the Phase 1 Farm Stand Rulemaking, the agency will produce a recommended workplan for rulemaking phases addressing agri-tourism and other commercial events, the use of soils reports, replacement dwellings and non-farm dwellings.

Current Status

LCDC initiated the rulemaking at its March 2025 meeting.  

DLCD is currently seeking Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) members.

Rulemaking Advisory Committee

A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) solicitation was opened following the March LCDC meeting. Apply to Serve on the Farm and Forest Modernization Program 2025 Rulemaking Advisory Committee​.​

​Staff anticipate that RAC meetings will be held in May, June, July, and October 2025.  Additional meetings may be scheduled. 

RAC meetings will be livestreamed via the DLCD Youtube channel for viewing.  

Key Dates

Staff anticipate that the Secretary of State Notice for this rulemaking will be published on September 1, 2025.

Staff anticipate that the LCDC hearing on this rulemaking will be at the commission's September meeting. 

Public comment on this rulemaking is scheduled to close on October 5th, 2025 at 11:55 pm.

Staff anticipate that LCDC will consider rule adoption at its October 2025 meeting.

Get Involved

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in this important work, there are two options: (1) apply to be a RAC member, or (2) provide written comments to

Questions about the RAC or general questions about the project? Contact Hilary Foote at​

Recently Adopted Rules
Rulemaking materials from rules adopted in the last six months can be found below. See our full list of current laws and rules for the Department of Land Conservation and Development here. 

OAR 660: 2025 Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) – House Bill 2001(2023)

The Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) represents the most significant revision to the state's housing planning system since its inception 50 years ago. The entire state is experiencing a housing crisis. Prior to the OHNA, Oregon's housing planning system planned for and invested in too little housing resulting in undersupply, rising home prices, segregation and displacement in some communities, and deepening inequities across all communities. The Oregon Legislature and Governor Tina Kotek have directed the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to iterate housing planning in the state to ensure that all Oregonians have access to safe, affordable housing in their communities of choice that meets their needs.

What's Proposed

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC or Commission) determined that rulemaking could be categorized into three major topic areas, with direction and deadlines specific to each: 1. Housing Needs and Production 2. Housing Capacity and Urbanization 3. Housing Acceleration.

Housing Needs and Production includes changing the determination of “needed housing“ to align with the Oregon Housing Needs Analysis and plan for a greater diversity of housing choices with flexibility in location and characteristics. Additionally, the bill changes the Housing Production Strategy statute (ORS 197.290) to align with fair housing planning, which will require further operationalization in rule and guidance.

Housing Capacity and Urbanization includes providing robust rules and guidance to provide clarity and certainty on appropriate methodologies to inventory buildable lands and calculate housing capacity as well as in relationship to urbanization processes to facilitate a UGB amendment where a need is identified. This includes work related to the buildable lands inventories, UGB amendments, UGB land exchanges, and urban reserves. Where possible, this work should be closely coordinated with public facilities planning to ensure that land within or brought into the Urban Growth Boundary is development ready.

Housing Acceleration establishes a framework by which DLCD evaluates local government progress towards housing production targets and outcomes. DLCD and LCDC will need to articulate a clear and consistent framework by which local governments progress is tracked and evaluated, as well as when cities are referred into the acceleration program, the scope and extent of issues that are evaluated, and the steps necessary to ensure that cities are taking meaningful actions within their control to facilitate housing production, affordability, and choice.


House Bill 2001 (2023) directs the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) to adopt and amend rules related to housing and urbanization, Land Use Planning Goals 10 and 14.

The goal of this rulemaking is to implement the Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) Program which redirects the implementation of Goal 10 towards a more comprehensive framework. This policy will fundamentally shift Oregon's approach to housing planning in a way that empowers cities to take actions that meaningfully increase housing production, affordability, and choice.

Current Status

The OHNA Rulemaking Advisory Committee will resume meetings on April 9, 2025 and monthly for the remainder of the rulemaking timeline concluding in December 2025. The RAC's 2025 work plan is supported by two subcommittees

The Housing Actions Work Group (HAWG) advises the department in building out a near-complete set of actions local governments might take to meet their housing needs. The group also will assist the department in crafting a model development code for all housing types.

The Housing Capacity and Urbanization Technical Advisory Committee (CAUTAC) will resume meetings beginning on April 3, 2025.

For more information about the rulemaking please email Sign up to receive email updates here.

HAWG and CAUTAC related rules are required to be adopted before January 1, 2026.

Public Comment Period

A Public Hearing will take place at the Land Conservation and Development's October 2025, meeting. The agenda for this meeting will be available online.

Public comment will be accepted in writing during community engagement activities, during the RAC meeting period and during the formal public comment period following the hearing by emailing or using the online form:

Rulemaking Advisory Committee

Housing Capacity and Urbanization Technical Advisory Committee (CAUTAC)

Housing Actions Work Group (HAWG)

RAC Meeting # 14

A RAC meeting is scheduled to be held on July 9, 2025

  • RAC Meeting #14 Materials
  • RAC Meeting #14 Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on June 18, 2025

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on June 17, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

RAC Meeting # 13

A RAC meeting is scheduled to be held on June 11, 2025

  • RAC Meeting #13 Materials
  • RAC Meeting #13 Livestream

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on June 5, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on June 4, 2025

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on May 21, 2025

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on May 15, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on May 14, 2025

RAC Meeting # 12

A RAC meeting is scheduled to be held on May 7, 2025

  • RAC Meeting #12 Materials
  • RAC Meeting #12 Livestream

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on May 1, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on April 23, 2025

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on April 17, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on April 16, 2025

RAC Meeting # 11

A RAC meeting is scheduled to be held on April 9, 2025

  • RAC Meeting #11 Materials (coming soon)
  • RAC Meeting #11 Livestream

CAUTAC Meeting

A CAUTAC meeting is scheduled to be held on April 3, 2025

  • CAUTAC Meeting Materials
  • CAUTAC Meeting  Livestream

HAWG Meeting

A HAWG meeting is scheduled to be held on March 19, 2025

  • HAWG Meeting Materials (coming soon)
  • HAWG Meeting  Livestream

OAR 660 (6, 12, 33): Farm and Forest Modernization Program


The intent of this rulemaking is to improve consistency of application of these standards to land use decisions across the state and reduce unnecessary appeals.   This rulemaking will address caselaw standards related to four topics: ORS 215.296 (the 'Farm Impacts Test'), Commercial Activities in Conjunction with Farm Use, the Agri-Tourism and Other Commercial Events 'incidental and subordinate' and 'necessary to support' standards, and Transportation Facilities on Rural Lands.  

Current Status

The Land Conservation and Development Commission approved the proposed rule language on December 5, 2024. The rules were filed with the Secretary of State (SOS) on December 19, 2024, with an effective date of January 1, 2025.

Final Rule Language and Related Materials

Other Materials

OAR 660-009: Goal 9 Target Industries Approach

Local economic development is supported by Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 9. On November 3, 2023, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) directed Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff to begin a rulemaking effort to clarify use of the "Target Industries Approach" by cities in Economic Opportunities Analyses (EOAs). The intent of this rulemaking is to clarify any potential areas of ambiguity in the application of the Target Industries Approach.

Current Status
The Land Conservation and Development Commission approved the proposed rule language on December 5, 2024. The rules were filed with the Secretary of State (SOS) on December 20, 2024, with an effective date of January 1, 2025.

Final Rule Language and Related Materials

Other Materials

OAR 660-008: Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) – House Bill 2001(2023)

House Bill 2001 (2023) directs LCDC to adopt and amend rules related to Goal 10 (Housing) and 14 (Urbanization) as well as housing and urbanization related sections of ORS 197.286 to 197.314. The intent of this rulemaking is to redirect the implementation of Goal 10 from a narrow focus on housing capacity towards a more comprehensive framework that emphasizes local actions to promote housing production, affordability, and choice within their community and across the state.

House Bill 2001 (2023) gives funding to DLCD to engage in a rulemaking process that will conclude by January 1, 2026.

LCDC is directed by statute to adopt rules in three major subject areas:

  1. Housing Needs and Production
  2. Housing Capacity and Urbanization
  3. Housing Accountability Framework

Current Status

The Land Conservation and Development Commission approved the proposed rule language on December 5, 2024. The rules were filed with the Secretary of State (SOS) on December 20, 2024, with an effective date of January 1, 2025.

Final Rule Language and Related Materials

Other Materials

OAR 660-023-0115: Sage Grouse Significant Habitat Map Amendment

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is considering adopting an amendment to OAR 660-023-0115, Procedures for Complying with Goal 5 related to protection of the Greater Sage-Grouse in Oregon. The amendment would update an existing map depicting core and low-density Greater Sage-Grouse habitat areas in the state, as well as result in minor amendments to the text of the rule.

The existing map was adopted by LCDC in 2015 and was provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) based on data from 2011.The updated map, also provided by ODFW, reflects new and improved data from 2023. The minor text amendments would modestly revise the definitions of “core areas" and “low-density areas", as well as add Grant County to the list of counties including significant Sage-Grouse habitat.

The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) solicited public comment regarding the proposed amendments to OAR 660-023-0115 for protection of the Greater Sage-Grouse in Oregon. A draft of the proposed rule amendments to OAR 660-023-0115 and other notices and fiscal statements are available online .

A local geographic hearing was held January 21, 2025 at 5:30 PM, in the Basement Meeting Room, at the Harney County Courthouse, 450 N. Buena Vista, Burns, Oregon 97720. The community is welcome to attend to provide oral or written testimony in advance of the LCDC hearing later in the week.

LCDC held a public hearing for this rulemaking and adopted the amendments to OAR 660-023-0115 on January 23, 2025.

Current Status

The Land Conservation and Development Commission approved the proposed rule language on December 5, 2024. The rules were filed with the Secretary of State (SOS) on January 23, 2025, with an effective date of July 1, 2025.

Final Rule Language and Related Materials

(coming soon)

Other Materials

Public Participation in Rulemaking

Public Notices

The state's public meetings law requires public bodies, which includes the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) and its advisory committees, to notify interested parties before a meeting is held (ORS 192.640). This includes meetings to propose or consider new rules.

DLCD gives notice of LCDC rulemaking meetings in several ways. Its posts alerts on its website. It sends emails to persons requesting notice in advance. It also may send press releases to major news outlets on topics that seem to generate major public interest.

Sign up for email notifications.

Public Input

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) holds at least one public hearing for each set of rules it is considering. Any member of the public can speak to the committee at these hearings. Dates, locations and agendas for hearings rotate throughout the year, but are published in advance on the Commission Meetings page.

Other LCDC meetings are open to the public with few exceptions (ORS 192.630 to 192.660). Most meetings allow time for public comment, but not all. People also can submit their views by email or postal mail. Deadlines for submitting written information are listed by topic on separate rule-related pages of this website.

Submit written materials related to rulemaking as follows:​​

Postal Mail:
Land Conservation and Development Commission
c/o Casaria Taylor
635 Capitol St., Ste. 150
Salem, Oregon 97301

Rulemaking Advisory Committees

Another way the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) receives input is through rulemaking advisory committees, or RACs. These committees provide specialized knowledge on a particular topic in an effort to reduce problems with rules after they're adopted.

The commission often creates RACs for large or complex topics. RAC members are chosen from among topic experts and stakeholder groups, such as other government agencies and professional associations.

RACs gather technical information, and consider environmental and social concerns. They research the fiscal impact of rules, and they consider the impact of rules on businesses.

The law also requires RAC meetings to be open to the public. A committee can take public testimony during meetings, but is not required to. People who want to reach a RAC outside of meetings can use the contact information provided on the specific rulemaking web page.

To learn more about advisory committees, or to volunteer to serve on a committee, contact our rulemaking coordinator.


Casaria Taylor
Senior Rules Coordinator
Phone: 971-600-7699

Alexis Hammer
Legislative and Policy Manager
Phone: 971-718-4505


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Additional information related to Oregon Administrative Rules can be found on the Transparency website.