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Goal 9: Target Industries Approach Rulemaking

On January 25th, 2024, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) initiated a rulemaking effort by Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff to clarify use of the "Target Industries Approach" by cities in Economic Opportunities Analyses (EOAs). Local economic development is supported by Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 9. Goal 9 and its associated administrative rules direct cities to provide an adequate supply of sites of suitable sizes, types, locations, and service levels for a variety of industrial and commercial uses consistent with comprehensive plan policies.

One method of forecasting land need through an EOA is referred to as the "Target Industries Approach." Many cities have used the Target Industries Approach to identify desirable industries and develop site inventories and comprehensive plan policies that support attraction or retention of targeted industries. While this approach to justifying land need is well established and supported by case law, it has not been defined or codified in administrative rule. The Department seeks to clarify any potential areas of ambiguity in the application of the Target Industries Approach through rulemaking.

A rulemaking advisory committee (RAC) will assist this effort by advising staff on rule amendments. Staff expect the RAC to meet four or fewer times in three-hour meetings between March and June 2024. Meetings are public and will be livestreamed and available to watch as recordings on DLCD’s YouTube channel.

Permanent Rule Filing

Permanent Administrative Order LCDD 16-2024 (tracked changes version)

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Including Statement of Need & Fiscal Impact filed with the Secretary of State August 28, 2024 (tracked changes version)

Rulemaking Advisory Committee Members

Get Involved

Community members will be able to view RAC meetings and are welcome to email comments to staff throughout the rulemaking process. LCDC will hold a public hearing when the RAC presents a recommended draft rule for consideration.

For substantive questions about the rulemaking please contact Economic Development Specialist Leigh McIlvaine at or 971-701-1041.

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Rulemaking Advisory Committee Meetings


Example Target Industries Approach Economic Opportunities Analyses


Leigh McIlvaine
Economic Development Specialist
Phone: 971-701-1041

Casaria Taylor
Senior Rules Coordinator
Phone: 971-600-7699