The multi-agency Built Environment Efficiency Working Group is tasked with implementing Governor Kate Brown's Executive Order 17-20, a directive to improve the built environment in our state.
In November 2017, Governor Kate Brown signed two Executive Orders (17-20 and 17-21) with specific directives to state agencies to improve energy efficiency, boost electric vehicle adoption, and support actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state.
The Governor’s Executive Order No. 17-20 focuses on the built environment – specifically, residential, commercial, and public buildings across the state. Emissions data show that residential and commercial buildings – especially their electricity and other energy consumption – are a large greenhouse gas contributor. Reducing energy use and increasing efficiency will help lower emissions from the built environment.
The Built Environment Efficiency Working Group (BEEWG) is a collaborative of state agencies including the Oregon Department of Energy, Department of Administrative Services, Building Codes Division, Public Utility Commission, and Oregon Housing & Community Services. The group will work on implementing the directives from the EO by tackling the needed cost analyses, barriers to implementation, and more. The group will also seek input from stakeholders across the state.
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