Agencies are to develop and maintain a business-driven and enterprise-aligned information technology (IT) strategic plan supporting the organization's strategic priorities.
Enterprise Lead
Scott Emry, Enterprise Information Services
Changes as of March 31, 2024
- The first revision of the Agency IT Strategic Plan is due by June 1, 2025, and will align with future updates to the Agency Strategic Plan.
- Agencies with fewer than 50 full-time employees (FTEs) will incorporate IT strategies into their strategic plans starting June 1, 2025, with support from Assistant State CIOs.
- Agencies are to publish an Annual Progress Report on their IT Strategic Plan.
Posting to the Transparency Portal
Once Agency IT strategic plans and annual agency progress reports are posted to your website, please help to keep the transparency portal updated by sending link(s) to strategic.initiatives@das.oregon.gov. We will provide that information to Enterprise Information Services, who will batch and upload these links.
For more information on the purpose and process for keeping the transparency portal up to date, you can review our transparency portal document.
Refer to the Agency IT Strategic Plan Template and Guide for more details.