Resources for Educators & Trainers

Resources for Educators & Trainers

Guide students toward relevant skills and careers. Research high wage and high demand jobs. Build strong pathways.

We know that learning is changing, growing, and expanding, expressing an array of flexible pathways and models for students that lead to rewarding, self-sufficient careers. However, the skills required by business in the future economy do require continuing education and an expectation that learning will continue for life.

The Workforce Talent Development Board (WTDB) provides productive space for educators and trainers to engage and partner that includes innovative task forces, research projects, data and reports, strategies and recommendations that inform and provide actionable next steps for educators (K-12 and Post-Secondary), trainers, legislators and the Governor’s Office.

Career Research and Planning

Review research about high wage and high demand careers, read reports regarding employment rates, career outlooks and requirements, download career pathway roadmaps, and understand adult education assistance opportunities.

High Wage & High Demand Careers

Access information on high wage - high demand jobs, education and skills requirements, and the nature of the work. The Career Explorer tool can help find the right fit for you and your future.

Career Outlooks and Requirements

Use the Oregon CIS system containing reports about 600+ occupation tiles to research current employment rates, wages, career outlooks, hiring practices, preparation, and licensing, in addition to the skills, abilities, and knowledge required.

Career Pathway Roadmaps

Every community college in Oregon offers career pathways. More than 450 online career pathway roadmaps are available. Each describes the pathway to employment, labor market information, high school and pre-college “entry points”, stackable certificate options, university and continuing education “exit points”, and more.

Adult Education Assistance

Adult students who need to improve their reading, math, writing, or language skills may be able to take advantage of training through community colleges and other providers.

Adult Learner Outreach Toolkit

Drawing from the focus group research, HECC offers a free multilingual toolkit of marketing resources to help Oregon postsecondary education institutions and community partners to engage adult learners of color in their postsecondary education and workforce training goals.

ASPIRE Mentoring Programs

The ASPIRE mentoring program assists students to get on track for postsecondary education success. ASPIRE provides participating schools and community-based organizations with volunteer recruitment and training materials, and assistance to build a community-based mentoring program.

OSAC College and Career Planning Outreach

The HECC Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) offers numerous resources to help counselors, families, and individuals better understand financial aid and career planning options. OSAC provides in-person financial aid presentations, webinars, mentoring, free publications and other resources.

Labor Market Information

Research Oregon's labor market and education programs, and understand Oregon's wage and hours laws.

Oregon Labor Market Facts

Learn about careers, wages, economic and workforce trends, training and education programs and much more at, WorkSource Oregon's labor market and career information website.

Wage and Hours Laws for Youth

There are many opportunities available to youth under 18. Learn the requirements for youth employment in Oregon.

Work-Based Learning

We know that learning is changing, growing and expanding, expressing an array of flexible pathways and models for students that lead to rewarding, self-sufficient careers. However, the skills required by businesses in the future economy do require continuing education and an expectation that learning will continue for life.

Oregon Youth Employment

Youth ages 14-26 can gain meaningful work experience and workforce training such as summer jobs, internships, pre-apprenticeships, and job shadows.

Request more information

Oregon Youth Transition

Youth can prepared, as student with disabilities, for employment or career-related postsecondary education or training through pre-employment transition activities and supports.

Learn more about OYT

Oregon Youth Corp

Youth ages 14-26 can participate in an experience where you can be part of a crew, learn valuable skills, obtain credit, and work outside while earning a wage.

Find a local Youth Corp

Oregon Conservation Corp

Youth ages 14-26 can partner with the Oregon Department of Forestry and the Oregon Community Foundation to reduce wildfires risk posed to communities and critical infrastructure, help create fire-adapted communities, and engage in relevant workforce training.

Learn more about OCC

DHS TANF Youth Employment Program

Teen parents ages 16-24 can participate in employment and self-sufficiency services, receive ongoing screening, assessment and case management, while participating in activities such as life skills, basic education, job readiness or work experience that address barriers to self-sufficiency.

Learn more about TANF

Youth Development Division

The Youth Development Division offers Re-engagement Opportunity Grants for local communities across the state to reengage youth ages 14-21 who left high school, or are at risk of leaving, before earning a high school diploma with the goal of assisting youth to achieve a high school diploma or obtain their General Educational Development (GED) credential. YDD also offers Youth Community Investment Grants aimed at serving youth ages 6-24 at risk of disengaging from school or work to address various barriers to educational and workforce success.

Learn more about YDD 

Apprenticeship Opportunities

There are many pathways to a successful and satisfying career. There is not a required one-size-fits-all education solution. The future of learning is flexible and can meet you where you are at. However, the skills required by business in the future economy do require continuing your education.

Learn more about Apprenticeship and the growing opportunities in Oregon.

View apprenticeship opportunities

Pre-Apprenticeship Opportunities

Access programs that will help you understand more and provide you with resources to skill up students and participants to be Registered Apprenticeship Ready.

Learn about Pre-Apprenticeships