Planning & Policy

Planning & Policy

The Oregon Workforce Talent and Development Board (WTDB) is the overall advisory board to the Governor on workforce matters. This includes developing a strategic plan for Oregon's workforce development system. This also includes the development of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan, oversight of WIOA Local Plan development, and adoption of system governance and multi-partner policies.

WTDB Strategic Plan 

The WTDB's vision is equitable prosperity for all Oregonians. To realize this vision, the WTDB advances Oregon through education, training, jobs and careers by empowering people and employers.

Essential to both vision and mission, the WTDB developed four Imperatives that are included in the 2023-2024 WTDB Strategic Plan and communicated to state and local partners and stakeholders. These are:

  1. An inclusive workforce system that advances equitable prosperity.
  2. Clear understanding of and improved use and impact of the workforce system.
  3. The WTDB is embraced by the Governor as an accountable convener, empowered facilitator and informed advisor.
  4. Strategic and close alignment between education, economic development, and workforce development, including public and private partners.

Read the 2023-2024 WTDB Strategic Plan 

Read the 2023-2025 Joint Priorities

Read the Letter to Governor Kotek regarding Priorities

WIOA Combined State Plan for Oregon

Under WIOA, the Governor of each State must submit a Unified or Combined State Plan to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor that outlines a four-year strategy for the State's workforce development system. Oregon submits a Combined State Plan that includes more partners than a Unified Plan. Oregon's Combined State Plan reflects the work of multiple agencies and organizations. Each of these entities have their own missions, visions, and values and this Plan weaves these together on behalf of the broader workforce development system to realize equitable prosperity for all Oregonians.

The WTDB approved Oregon's 2024-2027 WIOA State Combined Plan on February 29, 2024. The U.S. Departments of Labor and Education approved the Plan on May 31, 2024. The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture approved the Plan on September 13, 2024. The Plan is effective from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028.

Read the Oregon 2024-2028 WIOA State Combined Plan

WIOA Local Plans in Oregon

WIOA also requires local workforce development boards to submit plans for their local area every four years. New plans are submitted to and reviewed and approved by the WTDB. Local plans are expected to reflect local and regional needs and priorities and be aligned with the WTDB's 2023-24 Strategic Plan, 2023-2025 Joint Priorities, WIOA, and guidance and policy from the WTDB and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission Office of Workforce Investments (HECC OWI). Plans are effective from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028.

Read the 2024-2028 WIOA Local Plans

WTDB Policies

WIOA and other related federal law, Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 660 – Workforce Development and other related state law, and the priorities of the Governor's Office and state agency leadership require or recommend policies typically affecting one or more partners in WorkSource Oregon (WSO). Generally, WTDB Policy will address:

  • System policy areas affecting more than one partner in WSO (and potentially beyond WSO if appropriate), and/or
  • Governance policy areas WIOA.

Read the WTDB Policies

Public Comment

Data Validation Framework

The document linked above is a draft of the Workforce and Talent Development Board’s (WTDB’s) Data Validation Framework policy. This new policy responds to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 116(d)(5) that directs States to establish procedures to ensure the data contained in the State’s Annual Performance Report(s) is valid and reliable. These procedures are broadly referred to as “data validation.” The public is invited to provide comments during the 30-day public comment period: November 18 through December 17, 2024. Comments must be submitted by email to: Comments will be reviewed and addressed as appropriate within the final Data Validation Framework policy recommended for approval by the WTDB at a subsequent publicly-noticed meeting. The final approved Data Validation Framework policy can be accessed following the “Read the WTDB Policies” link above.