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All license, certificate, or student teaching applicants are REQUIRED to fingerprint specifically for TSPC. 

You must use the TSPC issued FieldPrint codes in order for TSPC to receive the results. Fingerprint results are not transferable. TSPC is not able to access fingerprint results if codes other than the ones issued by TSPC are used. This includes codes from employing school districts, the Oregon Department of Education, or any other agencies. The us of TSPC issued codes is required for TSPC to access the results.

*Pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rule 584-050-0012(C)(6), only original fingerprints submitted to TSPC will be accepted for clearance for any Oregon teaching license, registration, or certification. Previously cleared fingerprints by the Oregon Department of Education or any employer are not acceptable to satisfy TSPC's criminal background checks.


Oregon law requires the following applicants to be fingerprinted:


Student teachers: For first placement in a field experience after admission to an Oregon approved educator preparation program

Educators: For first time Oregon licensure or registration

School nurses: For first time Oregon certification

Expired license, registration, or certificate holders: For reinstatement of a license, registration, or certificate that has been expired for more than three years prior to the date of application

Out-of-State student teachers in Oregon schools: For first placement in a field experience in any Oregon public school if completing an educator preparation program by an out-of-state provider


The background check may include all of the following: Fingerprinting through Oregon State Police (OSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI); a Law Enforcement Data Systems (LEDS) check; a check of the NASDTEC clearinghouse for educator discipline (National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification); and, in some circumstances, an Internet search.


Applicants without a valid license: Fingerprints are valid for three years from the fingerprint clearance date.

Individuals with a valid Oregon license: Fingerprints are valid from the fingerprint clearance date onward as long as a valid license is maintained. If the licensee allows the license to lapse, the fingerprints remain valid for three years from the date the license expired. 


If you feel that any of the fees you are charged are incorrect, please do not pay the fee. Please be sure you are making the correct selection on the License History Questionnaire page and following the instructions for Oregon Program Completers on the License History page. Information you enter on those pages helps eLicensing calculate your fee. If you are still having trouble, please email and we can assist you further. Please note that all fees paid in eLicensing are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


A criminal background check conducted by any former employer, licensing board, or by the Oregon Department of Education does not satisfy these requirements. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) rules allow fingerprinting to be done specific to the institute for which they are taken and specifically prohibit sharing of this information between institutions.


Fieldprint is able to digitally submit images to the Oregon State Police (OSP), which significantly reduces the numbers of prints rejected for poor quality.

Other benefits of using Fieldprint are:

  • Errors due to fingerprinting quality are essentially eliminated
  • Processing time is much quicker (five to seven days versus 10-14 days with the former system)
  • It is legislatively mandated


For Oregon programs with a large number of candidates who need to attend a seminar on a particular day or days, Fieldprint can provide onsite services. There is a fee for this service, to be determined by FieldPrint.


Livescan is the process by which fingerprints are captured. Fieldprint is the company that the State of Oregon contracts with to provide the Livescan service.


Refer to this list of crimes that can lead to revocation or denial.


If a Fieldprint location is within a reasonable distance of the applicant, you are required to use them for this service. The state mandates this process for all agencies that use fingerprint based criminal history verifications. If there is no Fieldprint location within a reasonable distance, please view the linked PDF for instructions on how to submit a fingerprint card. Note: If you already submitted your fingerprint processing payment online, no additional fee is required to submit the card.


If the campus office is willing to provide the service to any public member who needs fingerprinting, TSPC will put college staff in contact with Fieldprint staff to discuss the possibility of setting the college up as a fingerprinting provider.


A list of Fieldprint locations can be found here: Fieldprint locations. Fieldprint locations are nationwide. When your appointment is scheduled, you will be sent a list of locations nearest your zip code.


You will receive an email from eLicensing to notify you that your background clearance is complete. This information is not available to the public or your educator preparation program through any web search feature.

Fingerprinting Step-by-Step Instructions:  

 Fingerprinting quick tips!  

In eLicensing, select "Clinical Practices" for the licensing category.

Just remember: A-B-C!

A.  Complete the eLicensing application.
     See Step 1, below, for important directions.

B.  TSPC will send an email with codes and instructions for fingerprinting. 

C.  You can then contact the nearest FieldPrint office for an appointment!


1aApplicant for licensure, registration, or certificate1a. Applicant submits an application (which includes a background clearance) and payment through eLicensing.

Cost = $61 (The fee is paid through eLicensing. Checks are not accepted.)

Note: Additional application fees will apply.

ETA = TSPC will email codes and instructions within 5-7 days.
1bApplicant for student teaching or practicum1b. Applicant submits an application and payment through eLicensing.

In eLicensing, the license category to select for fingerprinting is:

"Clinical Practices," NOT "Teacher."

Cost = $61 (The fee is paid through eLicensing. Checks are not accepted.)

ETA = TSPC will email codes and instructions within 5-7 days.
2TSPCImportant notice: The applicant will receive an email from TSPC, which contains codes and instructions the applicant needs to proceed.

TSPC emails instructions to the applicant for accessing FieldPrint.

The email will consist of the following required information:


Billing Code: xxxxxx

ORI: xxxxxxx

OCA: Txxxxxxx (If your TSPC account ID is five digits, add a 0 between the T and the first number.) Ex.: T012345
3ApplicantAfter TSPC emails the required codes to the applicant:

The applicant schedules a fingerprinting appointment through the Fieldprint website and pays the required fee (currently $12.50).
Within 24 hours of the fingerprint scan, Fieldprint sends the electronic capture of fingerprints to the Oregon State Police (OSP) for processing through both the OSP and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
OSP forwards the results electronically to TSPC. This process is taking approximately up to four weeks.
TSPC records the results as part of the application process. It is the applicant's responsibility to monitor their email account for notice that the background check is complete.
7School district or program designeeContact the applicant for a copy of their background clearance email.

Applicants must clear the background check before beginning a clinical experience.




  • Out-of-state applicants or previously licensed Oregon educators returning from living outside of the state may be subject to internet searches or to previous employment checks.
  • Reporting: TSPC will have access to reports from Fieldprint, including lists of candidates who have scheduled an appointment, the date and time of the upcoming appointment, and confirmation once the appointment has been completed.


Fingerprinting and Background Check Questions

Please email